With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

You wouldn’t get much in malahide for 450k

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With these grants you usually have to have approval before commencement of work.


That’s awful to read.

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If the cunts finally get an underground going from the airport to Dublin City centre there will be a stop in malahide.

It’ll make it the best town in Ireland by a distance.

As @Ambrose_McNulty says, you generally have to have it in place prior to works commencing. However, you might get an agreeable builder and grant supervisor to backdate things or push it on.

Try this crowd. https://superhomes.ie/ They can get a decent chunk back on works completed. You pay them a reduced certain amount, say €25k and they then pay the builder the real amount due, eg €40k. So you would cut out the €40k payment to your builder and he will get it off them. There is a shit load of paperwork for the builder though in terms of certifying materials and data sheets and they can be waiting for payment long after the work is done. But if your builder is ok and you go through it with him, there is a good saving to be had.

the old deep retro fit grant is effectively gone, so this is a good alternative to that.


Informative rating

What about the Home Renovation incentive scheme ? Is that gone now?

No I think that ended, but there was only a maximum of about €4k you can get with it. It was effectively reducing your tax payment through revenue on the VAT chargeable on works to a maximum of €30k, so the most you can save is the VAT at 13.5% on 30k of work. And you got the money back through paying less tax through revenue, so its not as clear cut as getting money in the pocket like the grant schemes.

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I claimed that. Was grand in fairness to be getting the extra few quid each month when totally skint after doing the job :grinning:

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You’ll see.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy won’t let that happen. Too much flora and fauna would be displaced

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To get a bit of traction on twitter?

Thinly veiled “please don’t stop buying them now”

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Is this a mad idea or could someone hire an architect before ever buying a site to put together someone’s ideal layout of a house and then you could try ascertain how much (in sofar as possible) that would cost to build before you ever went and bought a site (which in Limerick is probably anything from €45k to €90k)? So say you spend €70k on a site, you then get the architect to put together what you want but it’s going to come out at €350k, you can’t afford that but if you rejig the plans you can get it to €250k but it’s smaller and removing what you wanted initially. So if you’d known retrospectively all this you’d have never bought the site in the first place.

The other thing is what does this mean ‘(client must fulfill local planning criteria).’ I see that on a lot of ads for sites, it has nothing to do with the person buying the site must be from the area in question does it?

That’s exactly what it is

Are the Fitzgerald’s still knee deep in Sherry Fitz?

Would that be the case in a lot of places that you have to be from the area to build there? I’m seeing it on a lot of ads but not all.
