With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

Yes very common. It’s to allow for a situation that Johnny can build on the family farm and doesn’t have to move. But Johnny’s daddy can’t profit off it by selling a hape of sites to strangers… Its a bit of a cod to essentially limit one off development around the place

My old fella sold a site years ago with the local planning restriction. A very nice lady from Dublin bought it after doing some bit of fandangling with a local planner/Councillor she knew. Anyways between the jigs and the reels the planning expired without her doing anything and she spent another 5 years trying to renew the planning to no avail with entirely new personell dealing with it. She has been trying to sell it for a good few years now but can’t get the money back she paid for it

My old fella wont let me or my siblings low ball the fuck out of it either because we would get planning… He reckons wed have no luck for it. And he’s probably right


You make your own luck kid.

Tell him an auctioneer is after tipping you off that undesirables are looking at buying it

While we’re on it @gilgamboa / @Gman - what’s the rough price of self build - for a three and four bed ? - site not included, just build.

Few years ago you were looking at €125 per square foot as a very rough guide.
It’s probably gone up a bit now, so plan for around €150/€170 and that’s without finishes.

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Not a clue… But I’d say have a think yourself how much you think it will cost and add 80 to 100k to that… Rule of thumb 80 to 100 a sq ft to get to builders finish and all down to own taste after that but it gets dear then with tiling painting etc

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This is probably more accurate than my figurs

I reckon you are very low with that.

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Yeah I was thinking around 200k including fees for planning /solicitor/stamp etc. etc …

Then you’ve the rest on top - kitchen etc?

Again, that sounds very low.
For a 4 bedroom house, with a big island and a walk in wardrobe, you’ll be looking at building around 2,500 sq ft. Then herself will be coming out with all sorts of notions on finishes that she sees in magazines and the walls will HAVE to be some obscure shade of grey from Farrow and Ball. You’ll see no change out of 350k.


Yeah, the 200k guess was just for empty house - everything else fitted out then on top of it, kitchens (front and back kitchen), bedrooms, toilets and of course your outer wall etc. etc. All in I was thinking 300k - but depends on what people want I suppose. —

Will a builder do a discount if it’s 2 houses being built? - I’ll have to partner up.

There’s a heap of different fees too excluded from the actual build cost.
Planning, council “contributions”, engineers, ESB, Irish water, etc

Those calcs are making a 2500 sq feet house about €375k without finishes and fees and excluding cost of buying a site (assuming you haven’t inherited one which most people wouldn’t). 2500 sq feet is probably massive mind you.

He won’t like that

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It was a well laid trap.


I’m only guessing really.

@Gman is the one who can give a half way accurate answer.

My mind immediately went here:

He’ll get an IT answer. It’ll serve him right the bollox.

no, your figures arent wrong. But I fucking hate the “square foot rate” as every house is different in terms of complexity, design and finishes. Someones 2000 square foot house may not be the same as another one. I’ve done houses that have cost as little as €120ft2 to over €200ft2 in the last few months (finishes and fittings included). Given that is €80ft2 difference, over a 2500 ft2 house, that is €200k of a variance.

@Thomas_Brady a builder wouldnt necessarily do a discount, but it would be more economical for him to price so should work out cheaper, the overheads and preliminary costs would be reduced for a start as well as better scope on bulk buying/subby packages. €300k, fully finished for a 4 bedroom house including fees and contributions I think would be ambitious. Whilst it can be done, it would be very low spec.


Does it get cheaper per square foot the bigger you build?

Edit. That was aimed at treaty stones, him being an IT bollox and all.