With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

again, there is no real rule on this. But what I would say is generally that anyone building a bigger than normal house, generally finishes it to a higher level also, bigger windows, more open plan area so greater structural works, higher end finishes, bigger kitchen etc.

So all in , site inc, you’d probably be looking at 450-500k really all in and furnished? - and the headaches along the way of all the problems and builders…

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yup, maybe not quite that much if it is a split site or you can do better with a site cost, but you also get the house you want, designed the way you want it where you want it, knowing that it is built to the standards you want. Pros and cons to building/buying, just a matter of weighing up what is priority.

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Wait for existing home prices to collapse as they will imo in the next 12 months, and you will get your pick of houses at far better value than building. Don’t know what the figures are like in Ireland but mortgage delinquencies are already worse than 2008/9 in the US and are still climbing rapidly.

Jaysus :astonished:

Hard to know what will happen - the soundings from the financial ‘experts’ in the press are that prices will be largely unaffected or maybe marginally

They always say that so not to create a panic.

What a cunt

The same “experts” who said there would be no crash the last time?

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I get that also

We have a government that seem to be invested in maintaining a lack of supply and keeping house prices up to keep rents up also — half the political elite and big wigs in this country are landlords and FFG want to maintain the status quo

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It’ll be that lot alright.
Not sure there will be a crash in Ireland seeing as there’s little repossession. People will have learned from the last time that it’s nigh on impossible repossess a home, so they’ll sit tight. It’ll need to be a prolonged and bitter recession to crash the market imho.

There is huge variance in build costs in different parts of the country, a friend of mine just moved into his 2700 sq ft architect designed house just outside Ennis , built turnkey for 375k including a fitted out shed.

My own view is that absolutely no one needs a house that’s bigger than 2200 sq ft. The only reason houses are bigger than that is Nuala, trying to outdo breda down the road.


You couldn’t blame her. Breda down the road is a right weapon


Not a reason for a bigger house but fair enough put the extra spend into a bigger boundary wall

I was kinda thinking around the 2000sq ft would be about right…

I know a couple that were around the 2800sq ft and they actually dont know what to do with half the space - family of 4 only and huge rooms every where - and huge debt too.

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I’ve said it before, roasters fucking love big huge kitchens with islands in the middle of them.


Brain dead stuff. Invest in an architect and your 2000 sq ft home will feel just as spacious.


You’ve to maintain it then