With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

If only it was just roasters.


Get Marie Kondo to design it

Might be safer get a local-ish architect. But maybe you could get marie at the princess dressing room.

You can go on the council’s planning portal and see which architects have designed which nice looking houses around the place. You can even see their plans.

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People who live in small houses typically want everyone else to live in small houses too. It’s very Irish.


You’re at nothing without an island of some sort in a kitchen.

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I don’t comprehend how you could live in a house without an island?

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Far more Irish to want to outdo nuala.

I honestly don’t think you can put a price on moving to a half acre site out in the country, rather than an apartment or any 3 or 4 bed in an estate in any town or city.

The peace you have is unbelievable. I don’t think you can honestly put a price on that, island in your kitchen or not.


Horses for courses … I couldnt live out the country, not for all the money in the world.


We moved out there in June, think we got good value, delighted to have gotten out of Corbally where we were as we couldnt get flood insurance anymore, disaster.

Made a decent profit on it though from Dec 2015, happy days.


Corbally? Fucking Corbally? My turf? - You’re lucky i’m gone or you’d have been paying your dues to me …

The edge of the city I could handle, - but I see the sister in law here miles out and they spend half their lives dropping or collecting kids - shur you cant get a daycent pizza nor can you walk to the shop - especially after you’ve had a few beers at home and you’ve a thirst for another couple - you’ll end up digging the head off your wan one of these nights yet kid.


The price is on the environment and on services


Horses for courses indeed, a place in the country is my idea of hell

With WFH mate, I’m definitely carbon neutral.


We’ve consistently only had one car for the last 3 years, its barely been driven these days.it was always on our radar to move etc. @selfishgiant

Have few pound in the bank now after the lockdown and the sale, not sure what way to go though.


That estate I was in is going to flood sooner rather than later. Fucking delighted to get out of there now.

Neighbours were grand in fairness overall.

I grew up in the country. I didn’t really like it. I was bored a lot of the time as my friends lived down the ‘town’, 5km away. There was no shop and I had a bastarding hill to cycle up on my way home from hurling or football. Strangely though I always saw myself bringing up my children in the country.

Most of my adult life has been in cities and towns. We did two years out the country by the sea until this year. We loved it at times, but the practicalities of a one car family and hauling in and out of town (which in fairness was only 15 mins away), along with the fact that the little one was more mobile and perhaps too isolated brought us to the difficult decision to move. We’re renters so it was relatively easy to walk away.

We’re hoping to start looking at buying in maybe 12-18 months time. I really haven’t a clue where we will end up. I couldn’t see my Wife settling in the country. I’m not sure I would either.

There’s a site at home if I ever wanted to build there but I just wouldn’t do it. I’ve seen too many families in my area arguing and broken up and they all living 2-4 houses in a row.


I didn’t think there would be those sort of concerns in corbally that your house might get flooded?

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Where we were living, the estate was built in 1995 with a good 12-13 foot bank there. Thing is, once the insurance crowds get the name of an area at all ie (Mill Road) as an example for flooding, they just wont stand over it.

Thats what I reckon anyway, all the one now for us personally as we’ve obviously moved on. Has never flooded there since 1995 to be fair, would worry me at the same time to be honest if I was still there particularly without insurance. You are on a flood plain at the end of the day too.

Whereas, the house I’m in now, just by chance we viewed after the 3 storms in February, and there wasnt a drop of water in the fields or a river next to near us. Its important.

Are you from there or moved there? (Millroad)