With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

3 bed with the attic converted up in your neck of the woods going for €350k, turn key

Would ya leave a bike and turbo trainer there for the fat fuck?

Not mine mate, I’m currently living in leafy Douglas.

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That will become increasingly uniform with automation.

Productivity will rocket when @Rocko shuts this place down.

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Sid doing his best for Irish industry.


Saoirse knows the score

Help to buy scheme will do nothing but add to the price of housing. These are a few examples of new builds that went up in price overnight @labour #housing https://t.co/vPEVG18bye

Anyone care to walk me through the process/lead times of buying a new build house? Is the below a fair synopsis or am i missing anything?

  1. Mortgage approval granted
  2. Refundable deposit put down with Estate agent/Vendor
  3. Vendor starts to draw up contracts`
  4. Buyer goes back to mortgage provider/broker with the details of the house/price etc
  5. Mortgage provider does its due diligence and requests more docs if necessary and then decides to grant mortgage or not.
  6. Buyer then gets solicitor to act on its behalf with Vendor and Mortgage provider
  7. Contracts signed (10% Deposit/1% Stamp duty/Solicitors fees all need to be in place at by Buyer at this point) and mortgage gets drawn down/money given to Vendor

Am i missing anything?

You are missing a couple of steps

7 should just read

Contracts signed (10% Deposit)

  1. Then house completed and snagged.

  2. Complete purchase and sign mortgage. Mortgage drawn down.

  3. Pay stamp duty and solicitor fees.


One thing to watch out for regarding stamp duty.

As it’s a new build you only pay stamp duty on the pre-VAT price of the house to avoid you paying double tax.

More info here.

If you paid VAT on your house, you only have to pay stamp duty on the base price of the house – before the VAT was added. So, for example, if you paid €454,000 (including VAT) for your new house, this is made up of the base price of €400,000 plus 13.5% VAT (€54,000) and you only pay stamp duty on the base price of €400,000. Read more in our document on Value Added Tax.


You will have valuations happening in the process too on behalf of your bank. They’re a bit of a joke. They’ll mysteriously value your house at exactly what you paid for it. Amazingly coincidental.

You missed the steps where you spend two months chasing the bank, the solicitor and the real estate agent trying to get them to do what they are supposed to, even though they are being ridiculously overpaid to do so.


First question from the valuer is usually, what value do you want it to be?

You forgot the broker too. Collective simpletons.

  1. Buy lawnmower with Biggs & Stratton engine.

You’ll sometimes pay the stamp duty and solicitor fees along with the balance of the deposit at or prior to the mortgage being drawn down. That way the solicitor makes sure they get paid!

A few comments above

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You cant have your house until you get house insurance.

You cant get house insurance until you have your house.

Good luck.