With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

I’m afraid you called that wrong, house sales still buoyant.

Q3 2020 report says number of houses for sale is down 25 per cent versus Q3 last year.

Auctioneers talking shit trying to keep prices up.

I thought back in the Spring there would already have been a massive drop in prices by October in Limerick anyway,

Looking at the market in Limerick currently thats not the case probably due to those that were in the market anyway havent been as affected by this covid shit and are saving way more than they ever did before in normal times.

I don’t buy into the free money tree budget yesterday though so, next year could tell a lot…

Property prices in Cork too are over valued in my opinion for what you’re getting.

Big time…prices on the southside are a laugh for what you get…

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Source of info is the person lending the money.

Lower end market still going good… Once you go over 300k things have drastically slowed down.

Mortgage drawdown is down about 40 per cent year on year.

the regions will be reinvigorated with people trying to escape city living…we’ll be back to one parent working while other raises the kids…great to see…fuck the Joneses, they can have it…


Yeah it could be great. Huge opportunity to reimagine what life can be like

You won’t get a big island on one wage down the country


Depends if you own the site

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Lots managing it on a wage and a half, soon as the house is up a few years and the kids arrive she’s looking into job-sharing or the three day week

How much would the island set you back?

No they haven’t *. Theyve got a fair few policy bits over the line in their first budget. And even that during a pandemic. It’s just the Cark slowly taking hold of you…

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That’s the model I have,it’s tough going at times on one wage but it can be done.

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What have they done?

They’ve voted against all meaningful legislation that might help ordinary people and have now stood over a sham budget …

Anyone got any informed guess on what building prices are likely to do over the next year ?

Its all a guess Flatty. But there are increases already in place for a lot of materials, insulation, timber, concrete all have either gone up in the last two weeks or projected to go up in other suppliers. Labour is a different story, and I dont think anyone can accurately predict where it is going. At the moment, it is rising. There is huge demand at the moment, mainly in Dublin. Galway should be reasonably ok, and cash is still king for a lot of things. It’s a case of there being a load of work available and if a lad gets it, well and good, and if not, he just keeps going with whats on the books. How long that will last is another thing. The hospitality sector was fucked, so that will have a knock on effect for demand, how much is anyones guess. The biggest issue is how much the banks will keep lending. If employment starts suffering generally, then banks will start being stingy with mortgages and developments will slow down. that will lead to a recession and scarcity of work so you could see prices for labour drop as lads get desperate to get work in. But, IMO, its very unknown. This isnt a market crash caused by financial issues, rather a global pandemic that no one has control over. Some commentators are reasonably optimistic, whilst others are predicting a large recession mid next year.


Labour is the only think that ever comes down.Everything else only goes up.

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