With rent increasing is now the time to buy a 2nd property from the bank

I hear that you can’t get timber in Ireland now because that wonderful asset to the Irish people, Sweetman is objecting to every felling license that Coilte are applying for. Even if the courts refuse his objection he’ll appeal it. Some wanker.

Where do we import most of our timber from?

The lower reaches of the EPL

Get FfgG to build your gaff Flatty. They are building houses for just over 50grand according to the budget.

Who do I bribe?
Who did you bribe?

There’s any amount of timber lying in big piles in forest all over the country.Nothing to do with objections to felling. Irish timber is pure shit anyways. It grows too fast.Youd spend half the day in McMahons trying to pick out a few straight ones

Me. I’ll send you my revolut.

What’s the story with it growing too fast ?

Aye David Cuddy had a big rant about it there… (if you know who he is)

ridiculous that anyone can just object to a fell licence, forestry is one of the most sustainable industries in the country


It doesn’t grow straight.

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The planning system in Ireland is a large reason fot a lot of what is wrong. It artificially inflates land prices, gives people windfalls because of a rezoning, is too long, creates opportunities for politicians to engage in clients politics, discriminates against non locals and list goes on.


Correct.No environmental impact studies done on any plantations in the country.

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yeah I didnt hear the reason for it, but I heard the lockdown in March created a shit storm on supply as builders just bought as much as they could to have in stock and there is fuck all out there now so heaps if it being imported.

Guys, there’s a house close enough to me that is on the market for what I would see as buttons in terms of investment value.

3 bedroom bungalow, in a hovel inside but on a good site.

It’s an old house so would probably need to be drywalled. Given the layout of some older houses, you’d probably be as well demolishing the internal walls, central heating etc would need to be installed, new doors and windows and probably a new roof.

What sort of budget would you be looking at here to get it to builders finish? I’ve done a bit of drywalling myself before with a few friends so some aspects of it I would be comfortable with and have a few friends and family who are tradesmen who I could enlist and assist in their free time at a discounted rate.

Probably want to allow 70 - 100k ?

Get someone qualified to have a look at it with you. You’ll likely need new plumbing and electrics as well.

I would not be in any particular panic with it so would be happy enough to manage the job myself and let bits and pieces out and make a stab at most of the bits I have some bit of experience in.

I was hoping you could get it done for around 50k.

A friend of mine took on something like that a couple of years ago and she put in just over 100k - Got it for 65k… Small extension, couple of walls knocked, heating/electrics and plumbing addressed — and then kitchen and amenities fitted also.

Look into what grants are available too. Retrofitting etc…

It’s a piece of string question really.
Will you need a new heating system, plumbing, electrics etc.
It can get expensive very quick.