Womens sports

Ah you can’t be going for that

Great result, fair play

Ireland Ireland Ireland!

Vera Pauw sounds like a nice auld crater.


Oh Kenny, there’s been people cancelled for a lot less

“When we went 1-0 down we tried to slow it right down to give them time to get that emotional imbalance out of their heads.”

Newstalk discussing it now. 3 females so far, 2 of which involved in sport. Definitely no emotion to be heard here, proving him wrong straight out the door.

Edir: 4th woman rings in and says “yeah, women are more emotional, so what?”

There’s surely a female Nicky Quaid out there somewhere with a set of dodgy contact lenses.

What in the name of fuck does that mean???

I was only saying the same to the missus the other day. Some advertising shitehawk took the rest of the day off after coming up with that fuckology

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69 - 0 to England against the Irish ladies. 11 tries to nil. RTÉ radio 1 were covering it live. A lot of people switched over to the Sunday Mass I’d say. I think it’s fair to say it didn’t really go Irelands way said Jacqui Hurley announcing the result.

I saw a bit early on. It must have been on ITV. Ireland weren’t even contesting the lineouts. Must have been a defensive ploy. Damage limitations in light of the final score.

I’m not sure how the IRFU continue to get away with not funding the women’s game. Sending amateurs out to take on professionals in rugby will lead to scorelines like today. €1m would probably be enough to give 20 women a professional contract, it’s fairly small money in the overall scheme of things.

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I think she has a point there.

I train all year long with the right size ball.

We made 77 handling mistakes…

I think the ball is too big…


Its the blame game

A round ball would be easier all round.

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I refereed a ladies football game today. Very good standard. I’m goosed. Abuse level 4/10.