A person who gives their opinion on a topic about which they know nothing
A person who gives their opinion on a topic about which they know nothing
A person desperate to hear gossip
when you wake up early and cannot get back to sleep due to anxiety about coming day
A noble idea that’s apparently been abandoned. It would augment the word if it were contextualised to fit seamlessly into forum jargon.
Már samplá… Poster XXX is an absolute ultracrepidarian. He’s here talking shite about DIY issues.
Follow this up with the unseemly numbers of quidnuncs who are endlessly seeking PM’s about matters more suited to Brenda and Nuala from Facebook.
Drowsy, in a stupefied state
I’m a bit too zwoddery to come up with a better sentence @anon67715551
The sensation of plunging into really cold water.
One for the TFK swimmers.
I’ll wrap up this week with
It means to lay a bottle on its side For some time to coax the last few drops out of it.
Our Cavan posters have no doubt engaged in some duffifying of their shower gel bottles.
Did you watch Call my Bluff when you were younger @TheUlteriorMotive ?
I didn’t
You’d have loved it.
That was a great auld show
Joan Bakewell was a fine cut of a woman in her day.
shrewd person not guided by principles, a politician who cares more for personal gain than serving the people
Pee Flynn to a tee
Pretend to work while not doing anything productive at all
A fair few lads on TFK spend the day fudgelling at their laptops while their life partners mind their children.
There you go. You should change the name of the 'I haven’t done a stroke" to the Fudgel thread
Occurring before breakfast. Would you like to have an antejentacular coffee with me?
Of or pertaining to a breakfast taken early in the morning, or immediately on getting up.
A person who never laughs ( especially at jokes)
The art of delaying or putting off something