Words and phrases that are more commonly used on tfk than in real life





You may want to retract…


taking him apart forensically

The Bradley effect

“fascinating to watch”

Such a self incriminating and idiotic thing to say. Hollow and uninsightful.

Michael Parenti, the Marxist political scientist.

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Herbie Hide

A cooked breakfast and two dinners a day

“Clicks” as possibly a unit of measurement

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I always thought a “click” was a mile because the Yanks use it. But it’s actually a km. Silly me…

Obfuscate has become quite popular

There has been a marked “uptick” in the clicks.

“such and such is only a cod”

it’s permeated beyond the pandemic and the leaving cert is another example.

I’ve been working from home with weeks

We’ve been training away with weeks


Basically with instead of for. I know fellas will say it’s a limerick tipp munster phrase but never heard anyone say it

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Never heard that