Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

It’s 3000 years older than the pyramids. Hawass is a fraud.

It predates @anon67715551

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What experts are you relying on? I hope it’s not the Oxford crowd.

The lads who discovered gobekli tepe and proved that advanced human civilizations existed more than 10000 years ago. The egyptologists are seething.

I don’t care what anyone says, pound for pound joe rogan is unbateable

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Sigh. There are some quite scurrilous accusations from the usual right wing middle management types here, in thrall to anything they read in middle management magazines.
The aspirin is hardly a leap. It is well and widely known, and has been for decades, that abnormal blood clotting can be a part of the bodies response to any widespread infection. Taking a bit of aspirin is not really worthy of comment.
I was mainly referring to the Spanish study about hydroxychloroquine, which was so flawed it was impossible to draw any definitive conclusion from.
The data on the remdesivir looks a little more robust, but again, without a double blind placebo controlled trial it is impossible to know.
Neither are a cure. Neither have been proven to save lives.
Lads are suggesting they form part of some sort of magic package which will solve coronavirus.
I would love it if they did, and I could go back to swimming and Gregg’s, but they simply don’t, and you shouldn’t believe anything that isn’t at least in a peer paper, not because it isn’t true, but because it’s as likely to be true as everything you read in the daily express. I am counseling caution, as I have from the start, exactly as I was sceptical of the same lads fervidly quoting the “expert” who said you’d have to stand face to face with a superspreader for precisely 15 minutes to catch it.
However, ye can go back to frotting over the lifestyle section in Mens Health and believe what you like.
As an aside, my wife isn’t in ICU anymore as of this week, as the number of cases hasn’t risen.


No one with even the slightest bit of a scientific background uses terms like “belief” and “proof”, those are terms best left to religion and logic.

Good to hear about your missus, I’m sure you both welcome a well deserved break.

Joe Rogan and Dr Rhonda Patrick bringing to the masses what tfk has known for some time.
Any lad not sunning himself or taking a vitamin d supplement may as well be shooting himself in the kneecap with a crossbow


@TheUlteriorMotive called this in mid March. He’s been constantly ahead of the curve.


Fair play to him. Personally I dont want to take any credit for my own insights into Vikings, fjords, dark skinned lads being unsuited to lockdown etc.

**The important thing here is saving lives. **

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A sip from the water trough and you’re invincible. Great banter


They need it more than we do

Is that made here? There will be some overtime to fill the back order left by it

Brilliant move yet again by Trump


By God… has Trump been vindicated!!!


That doesn’t answer my question!!


I wonder will Faucci get the same derision that the President did