Words and phrases that are more commonly used on tfk than in real life

Malleable and ductile were words in physics in school.

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Oeuvre @Fitzy

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Some top quality tfk moments on this thread.

Worth a merge with the tea in a mug thread?

Happy to give that ten.

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I’ve taken to using the word lickspittle more of late, definitely TFK inspired.

Give @anon7035031 the credit he deserves for that.

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It would be more associated with @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy for me, particularly when preceded by the adjective vile.

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yeah, a timeless classic

Corkyourballs or something or other like that, Cork_____ or whatever the fuck he called himself first penned this lickspittle word on the PROC sports forum around 2009. I had heard of the word previous to that but I had never seen it written down.

Go shit in your hat.

Try sticking your thumb up your hole

“Thinly veiled” used to be popular around here.

" Rattled " is TFK.

I thought “pussywhipped” would get a good airing around here but it never quote made it


