Words and phrases that are more commonly used on tfk than in real life

Na only oldies like me

Know what a 50 is? Or a Jag?

Fifty is standing someone up.
A jag is a date.

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never heard any of them!

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Bang on bud

Here’s one for u ,what city’s natives greet each other with"yes "as in hello

Somewhere in the north no doubt

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I always thought Ulster Says No.


Only those with an ulterior motive

Creggan and elsewhere in late 70s 80/90s, whether it lasted or not is another thing,suppose it’s better than " go way ya bollox-/ Langer as you get in Cork regular

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Lost? Or as you’re near Dungiven ,list sir!

Who came up with that beaut?

@PhattPike is the guiltily party


Yes Sur, no sur

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Our foremost hurling analyst has resurrected one of his nuggets in the past days.

Callow, properly used, paints a vision of all you don’t want at IC level.

It’s been a while since we’ve had it but a double helping is sweet. Tip of my hat Sir…


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Darren Frehill

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