Words and phrases that are more commonly used on tfk than in real life

Used by knobs by and large.

We need to bring back ā€œgrandā€.

It never went away. We need to encourage the use of the phrase ā€œthe pure solid finestā€ itā€™s been in decline for years and Iā€™m afraid that this corona virus contagion do it in entirely.

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Can we roll in ā€œDivil the bitā€ with this initiative?

Grand, ya

I always thought it was " the full solid finest ". Your version is grand all the same.

concern trolling

ā€œWall-eyed c**tā€ promptly followed by doxx(ing).

Both used profusely this week. Will they become staples of our dialect, who knows?

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I was reading that as a reference to this little lad. I see my mistake now.

Saw Caul there in Super Valu In Sutton there earlier. He was trying to find his way through the vegetable section, appropriately enough.


Iā€™d have thought heā€™d feel at home there

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Tommy Cassidyā€™s

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You may want to retractā€¦


taking him apart forensically

The Bradley effect