Words and phrases that are more commonly used on tfk than in real life

I havenā€™t been totally honest there either,
Sheā€™s actually even better looking in real life :man_shrugging:

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of course!

I dont even like Man City.

I donā€™t have a hood over my head


And you think the Antony deal was totally above board.

I Cannot Bite My Tongue GIF by Superstore

Piling on the agony.

ā€œLassā€™ for girl or young women

Is it a pisstake? Irish people donā€™t say lass, itā€™s like Emmerdale farm talk.

ā€œI keep an inexhaustive list of commentators I likeā€


Classic TFK

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Do me a favour.

Roy Curtis is Irelandā€™s greatest poet


ā€œA classic of this genreā€