Work Motivation Techniques

I am finding myself seriously unmotivated in work these days…

Anyone have any techniques to help you through the day and keep focus…

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]I am finding myself seriously unmotivated in work these days…

Anyone have any techniques to help you through the day and keep focus…[/quote]

Getting yourself banned off here would be a good start I’d say.

I was going to say I’m probably similar to Farmer in this respect, but, having worked with the big man in the past, I can state unequivocally that he’s one of the most work-shy, demotivated, lazy layabouts I’ve ever had the misfortune to call my colleague. Now, I’m by no means classifying myself as a bastion of virtue in the workplace, and sure I mess around when the time allows, but when I’m busy and I have a deadline then my focus is absolute. Farmer, it’s called having a bit of fooking pride in your work and your output. You, on the other hand, are a thundering disgrace - the busier it gets and the more pressure you come under, then the more you look for a spurious excuse not to bother your arse. Yet people wonder why our economy is struggling. It’s fooking disgusting.

Have to agree there Bandage. Farmer, I warned you about taking that job. My suggestion: quit and get yourself down to Sydney. 60 or 70 Aussie dollars an hour and constant sessions can be your motivation.

I will respond to this properly at a later stage but suffice to say much of my bad work habits have been picked up from one Bandage…

Don’t try to kid on that you’re too busy to respond Farmer. I doubt you’ve suddenly rediscovered your motivation.

Disgusting cop out.

Apologies, I had a typo in my last post.

I meant to say, ‘I doubt that you’ve suddenly discovered your motivation for the first time ever.’

Interesting Farmer, I agree it can be hard sometimes.

However, that I am being paid - under terms and conditions I agreed to and that I am providing a service to clients helps to motivate me.

And while I’m at it I should point out that your apathy and lack of respect for your employers was known to me long before TFK became the forum for you to vent your spleen about all an sundry. Obviously Bandage didn’t mention you by name but his constant references to this lead weight of a colleague as a big, disinterested, lazy bean pole from Leitrim helped me narrow it down.

Don’t know how it came up in conversation, but knowing Bandage as I do your consistent lack of application disgusted him and presumably the likes of you are what drove him outof that particular firm.

Well said Appendage. To think of the obscene amounts of money (comparatively speaking) the likes of Farmer is taking home every month and yet he can’t be arsed doing an honest day’s work in return. However, what really sickens me is the fact you could build an orphanage or library in Chad or Ethipia or somewhere for around €4,000 or so and give thousands of underprivileged children a better life, but then you have people like Farmer probably earning more than that every month and spending most of their time complaing about it. It’s really fooking galling.

Appendage is right of course but on somewhat of a tangent I can imagine him being a right little brown noser.

The worst thing I remember about Farmer in his former employment was when he went on stress leave for two days; the two days before sign-off of his biggest job. This put his more junior staff and his manager up shit creek and his manager worked until 4.30am as I recall to get the job closed off.

Farmer then turned up the day after sign off for an internal close out meeting with the parter, director and manager in jeans and a T-shirt. It was not long after this that the partner told Farmer he had no future in the firm.

What Appendage gets up to in the confines of his own bedroom is surely of no relevance to this thread about work motivation ClarkeyCat.

Interesting that neither Appendage (the asslicker) nor Farmer has any comment to make.

I didn’t deem it worthy of comment.

Still don’t.

Thankfully, I’d long since left the firm before that ‘stress leave’ debacle. It’s possibly the worst in a long litany of shamefully unprofessional incidents involving Farmer. I can only imagine how the more junior staff felt knowing they’d to face the partner and director ahead of sign-off with the senior, the person they thought they could rely on, lying at home on the couch eating Doritos and watching Trisha. Sickening, absolutely sickening.

Horrendous stuff being spouted here and I will respond to each one in turn:

Appendage is about ten years older than me and is at the level in career I was at ten years ago…

Bandage once took two days off around sign-off on a job because he was on the beer with me at and Ireland Wales rugby game. He didn’t want to ring in sick on the Monday in case it looked obvious as that was the day of the sign-off so he took the next day off as well. I must say I find it incredibly amusing that he would lecture me on a senior setting an example when this guy was my example

As for Clarkey, well he got lucky when he joined whereby he was taken under the wing of a director who seemed to love him (thought similar of Bandage actually) and had a handy ride through the place. I am not getting at him but he fell on his feet (numerous times in fact during his hunger strike). He had one horrendous year as well where he got slated (I think Bandage was his senior at this time) so he is hardly one to be throwing digs.

I accept complete responsibility for my bottling in the run up to that job signing off. I guess it is one thing thatOI now use to make me a better employee unlike Bandage who went on the dole for six months and Clarkey who is swaning around the world living on tax he is claiming back because he is not working…

As for Appendage - don’t worry about the Prof 2s. I remember I had a major piss-up when I passed them which incidently coincided with my 19th birthday…

The reason I have not replied sooner is that I am now motivated and working…

Thank you one and all

No point trying to deflect attention by pointing the finger at others farmer.

Bandage and clarkey can speak for themselves.

I made my career choices and am sticking by them. Happy enough too. I was paying tax to educate you when you were most likely drinking yourself stupid(er). But I don’t want any thanks for it.

This is the damning sentence. You have admitted that you ‘bottled’ getting an audit signed-off because the pressure was too much for you. Christ, imagine how you’ll react if you’re under pressure to complete something that’s actually important or worthwhile. The difference between yourself and myself was that I basically didn’t give a shit just before resigning and went on the lock, whereas you just admitted to bottling it and didn’t show up in work for two days due to stress-related reasons. My main reason for not turning up on the Monday was because when I woke up and went to stroll into the bathroom to have a shower, I collapsed sideways into the wall and onto the floor. Then I thought, ‘fook this crap’ and dragged myself back to bed. You however, and I repeat, have admitted to bottling an audit. I’ve never heard the likes of this!

Also, there’s very good reason why that Director took ClarkeyCat and I under his wing. Both of us displayed an undeniable ability to audit with vigour, determination, swagger, sophistication, cunning and professional scepticism. We earned respect and plaudits from our superiors straightaway and were looked upon as ‘safe pairs of hands’ in a challenging environment where the only constant was change. I take no responsibility for your development as, on the one occasion when I had the misfortune to have you assisting me, your lack of effort and application was a disgrace. Clarkey on the other hand was diligent and keen to tap into my huge fountain of auditing savvy and knowledge.

Finally, just to emphasise how stupid you are - I must remind you that you did not in fact sit Prof 2 exams as you were exempt from them. Fool.

[quote=“Bandage”]My main reason for not turning up on the Monday was because when I woke up and went to stroll into the bathroom to have a shower, I collapsed sideways into the wall and onto the floor. Then I thought, ‘fook this crap’ and dragged myself back to bed.

Both of us displayed an undeniable ability to audit with vigour, determination, swagger, sophistication, cunning and professional scepticism. We earned respect and plaudits from our superiors straightaway and were looked upon as ‘safe pairs of hands’ in a challenging environment where the only constant was change. I take no responsibility for your development as, on the one occasion when I had the misfortune to have you assisting me, your lack of effort and application was a disgrace. Clarkey on the other hand was diligent and keen to tap into my huge fountain of auditing savvy and knowledge.


What a load of absolute cock…

  1. How can those qualities you give to yourself in the second paragraph correspond with your behaviour in the first?
  2. The first paragraph is a lie - you said to me on the Sunday evening that you were going to ring in sick. All that bullshit about falling over in the bathroom is horseshite. I was on the beer with you and we didn’t have much - well I didn’t think I had much
  3. Stop licking up to Appendage
  4. As regards us working together I never once heard a word from you during the time of this supposed poor performance - gutless bastard