Workshop for Dealers - Where to source your supply from

Has anyone here ever smoked crack?

Exactly - you’re bypassing the issue … why are people turning to drugs. That doesnt disappear if drugs are legalized.

it just creates addicts who don’t have any money, what will they do for a fix? Or will addiction treatment be subsidized by the tax payer?

People are always going to take drugs

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Join the army, see the world.
Do mushrooms, see the universe.

That’s communism, mate.

Libertarians on Twitter think it’s the solution, and they’re never wrong.

I once woke up in Las Vegas with a rock of crack on my bedside locker. A lad I encountered had given it to me night before.

I’d like to think I’d smoke it if it happened today.


That’s the crux of it. Make it a public health issue and not a criminal system issue.

I doubt dentists have a connection to the narcos, there must be a different source or its synthesized

Ah yeah - lets do nothing except make it more readily available and let them have at it… Good tactic

if you’ve a load of young lads able to get mdma at the dispensary on the main street you don’t think it will lead to a criminal system issue?

Of course it won’t, they’ll just spend all night hugging passers by.

it’s how empires controlled natives - get them addicted to alcohol, they’re not an issue then. You see it the world over in indigenous populations, addiction and very poor social economic situations were used to beat them when they couldn’t shoot them anymore

Because that’s what I said of course

Shockingly ignorant comment. MDMA cured football violence in the early 90s. Legalising it would make the country far safer.

Less of an issue than being able to buy bottles of vodka in Tesco.

People would buy and use MDMA on occasions the way they drink now. MDMA is less likely to cause the user to assault somebody.

There’s a public health issue alright around over using MDMA but it should not be a criminal system issue.


It’s very amusing that people point to the harm caused by the availability of legal drugs as an argument for legalising more drugs.

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yeah using alcohol as the argument for the benefits of illegalizing illegal substances doesn’t wash with me. It’s probably the cause of more misery around the country than anything else.

2.6 billion per year and rising, from alcohol abuse.

the illegal drugs make you happy. Until they don’t. Then what

Why don’t the govt tackle off licenses and supermarkets for the alcohol problem?