World Fascism (and other totalitarian ideologies) Thread

How about job interviews? Are people discriminated there?

No, there are generally employment laws to prevent discrimination.
Anyway…silly comparisons…you were about to say something

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So they don’t discriminate based on decisions made by the candidate (qualifications gained, etc.)?

Ffs. Dig up.

So we’ve clarified that people get discriminated against based on their own decisions all the time. Happy to clear that up

The Cult of Covid can see no wrong in its actions.

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Yeah, you’ve clarificationed it perfectly

Do you not watch MSNBC? Kyle Rittenhouse drove 500 miles to Kenosha with a gun and shot three black men.

STatE liNEs

cc @ironmoth

The vaccine fascists are showing their white supremacist ideology once again.

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The mask slips regularly, and all the shrieking in the world won’t hide his tendency towards oppressive control. No surprise either to see the guy that’s been indoctrinated in Polish fascism rowing in behind him.

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Yup. They are the definition of fascism, do as I say or face societal discrimination. The mask has slipped with these lads, odd they were the ones who attempted to style themselves as something different.

The characteristic is indeed not immutable. The unvaccinated can choose to get the jab, and even more crucially, those currently regarded as “fully vaccinated” can (and are) choosing to refuse booster jabs. The fundamental point stands, however; the current situation fits well with the stages of genocide. All the deflection in the world won’t alter that, but instead points to polarisation of society.

You know as well as I do that wokeism is an evil ideology. It is grounded in fascism and Nazism. The truth is often hidden in plain sight and the forum’s foremost “Nazi” crier was always going to be its foremost proponent of fascism.

The irony of posts like the one below won’t be lost on your good self.

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The arrogance and delusion in that fella’s mind is something else.

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First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one else left

So I got into that taxi and went home.

Cabs are unionised. So are the busses.

Wear the rubber off your dubarrys