Not another Trump thread, zzzzz

don’t get it

What has that to do with anything?

Ive never seen you condemn them. So you agree? How do you propose they be dealt with?

You appear to have comprehension problems if you think I am advocating white supremacy. My opinion is that all hate speech should be banned, and that includes religions that preach hate. Lefties like yourself are completely hypocritical on this point.

Theres only only problem with your argument @labane 1917
Its called Donald Trump. Hes just as right wing as them other cunts and his language can also be seen as incitement

I don’t think you realise you are, but then you’re also not smart enough to see that you’re proposing nazi-esque measures, Tweedledumb.

Should hate speech be banned or not?

What are you yapping about? I was pointing out Tweedledumb’s hypocrisy. That’s what I was discussing. Stay on topic.

I’m not a Trump supporter, but what he is saying is being totally misrepresented by the media (controlled by both parties and both parties want him out of the race), combined with the fact he is not a professional politician, so puts his foot in his mouth regularly. On immigration, what I think he is trying to say is there should be better controls in place so that criminals or radicalized muslims cannot enter the country easily. It’s easy to say of course, not so easy to accomplish.

Answer the question then pinky, should hate speech be banned or not? If so, what categories of hate speech? Should religion get a free pass? You’re the one being hypocritical, you just don’t realize it.

What has your question got to with my point that you’re a hypocrite?

Haha the clown that drags America into every conversation says stay on topic. You can’t even condemn ISIS its ok pal, they wont find you here

It resolves the question of who is a hypocrite. The fact that you won’t answer the question suggests you are the hypocrite to anyone who can reason. It’s a simple question, should hate speech be outlawed?

This resolves the question of who is a hypocrite. Job done.

Tweedledumber, what are you trying to say?

No, it doesn’t, it suggests however you have a reading comprehension problem. I have been quite clear on several occasions now, but you continue to avoid the issue. I say all hate speech should be banned, no exceptions for religions. Do you agree or disagree?

Trump is crushing Cruz in the latest national poll of Republican voters :smile:>/quality/90/?

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[quote=“anon7035031, post:152, topic:21533, full:true”]
No more Nazi-ish (your definition, not mine) than banning any expressions of free speech. Most European countries have pretty strict laws on hate speech (unlike the US where free speech is constitutionally protected). Do you know how many people are in jails all over Europe for expressing “banned views” such as questioning certain aspects of the holocaust, blaming gays for the spread of AIDS, etc. Why is that acceptable but banning a poisonous religion isn’t? A religion that openly calls for the eradication of all non Muslims mind you. [/quote]
I can hold any view or any religion I want, as long as I’m not violating hate speech laws.

I could hypothetically believe that it’s a God-given duty of all Christians to systematically rape and murder Muslim women, even though that would obviously be arrant nonsense. But the moment I put that into practice or preach that publicly, I’d be in trouble, and rightly so. There is no absolute right of free speech, and rightly so.

But there’s no law against me privately holding that opinion.

You’re the one that brought up the Nazi analogy, just to get that straight.

But given that you mention it, it would be foolish not to pull you up on the hypocrisy of your argument, given that you seek to demonise and spread hatred against all Muslims in exactly the same way Hitler did to Jews.

You have far more common ground with that sort of insane far-right ideology than with western, liberal values. You’re merely a useful idiot who falls into the sort of trap that radical Islamists want people in the West to fall into.

Your typically cliched reference to “lunatic lefties” (which only weakens your “points” even more, although they’re not not worth very much even without that) is also noted. It always amuses me when people like you resort to such tripe, thinking they’re somehow being original or “sticking to the man”, when it’s merely showing you up as a thundering bore.

Liberal, western societies have a lot more to fear from this type of dangerous opinion than from Islamic terrorism.

You can say that about pretty much any religion. Christianity and Judaism certainly.

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These are pretty unambiguous comments, I think you’ll agree.

“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on,” his campaign said in a statement.

The press release sent by Trump’s campaign is titled, “Donald J. Trump Statement on Preventing Muslim Immigration,” but the statement seems to go beyond immigration, calling for “total and complete shutdown of Muslims from entering the U.S.” CBS News has reached out to the Trump campaign for clarification.

Asked by The Hill, whether his Muslim ban would include Muslim-Americans who are currently abroad, Trump’s spokesperson responded, “Mr. Trump says, ‘Everyone.’”

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Ireland with no army will take them