World War 2

Russia is vast. Perhaps the fake globe that we use gave Hitler and Napoleon a false perception of just how fucking huge it is. I’ve said it before on here about being on holidays in Kusadasi in Turkey (absolute fucking kip btw) was talking to a Turk working in the bar and he was telling us it was a four hour flight to his home, still in Turkey. It blew my mind. It was a four hour flight for us to get to Turkey and the place was basically as wide again.
Or that it’s a six hour flight to Toronto and the same again to Vancouver.
The logistics of invading that vast a space. I’d say you’d struggle now, and not only that but you’ve to hold the whole front to stop getting encircled, the front from Moscow to the South is probably the same distance from Berlin to Moscow, and that’s the same again then from Moscow to the North. It’s just a vast, vast space


It would be impossible for a foreign army to hold Russia

Not only is it vast, but it’s also a vast boggy forest with no roads. It must be a nightmare to bring a few tanks through it. It’s like the anti-Denmark.

And the natives are restless the whole way. I’d say unconquerable. The yanks with the whole arsenal couldn’t handle Vietnam. The Brits couldn’t stick us and we had nothing but what we stole off them

2 interesting facts that I’ve read,
Ireland in keeping with our neutral stance refused to allow the British navy use our ports which actually helped the German Uboats that were skulking around the Atlantic, also joe kennendy despised Britian and fought tooth and nail and very nearly kept the yanks out of the war.


Yes 100 pc not the brits or yanks

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we didn’t
we were fully with the nazis
didn’t archbishop john Charles and dev give refuge to a Croatian Bishop who was part of the ustasha…the Croats were horrible nazi bastards…even in the yugoslav war in the 1990s tudjman evaded the war crimes tribunal and the came across as victims but the war crimes they committeed were horrible…disgusting bastards…mind you they were in good company but history records milosevic et al as the aggressors only

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I’m specifically talking about the credit afforded the Normandy landings as the “winning of the war” as the dominant narrative in Western civilisation. It is a bogus narrative. It accelerated the end of the war definitely. My point was by June 1944, when the D-day landings took place, the Russians were taking back previously held German territory, the Soviet Baltic Offensive was in full flow and the Germans were in retreat in many areas of the Eastern front. The Russians could afford to pull up at the Vistula to play politics and watch the Warsaw Uprising a few weeks later in August. Planning for the future, ensuring the Polish AK would be crushed. Biding their time.


This old licking @Tassotti’s arse act is getting old mate


The E.U which is run by the Germans has been completely mugged in the past week.

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You can argue it either way but if the Americans and the brits didn’t land on the beaches in France the Russians would have had all of Europe for themselves. I also very much doubt they’d just have handed back power in this situation.

The Americans/brits helped split the German forces too. If the Germans were solely focused on the eastern front things would have worked out very differently possibly.

He’s got it cracked lads

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Russians and Germans would have been forced into another pact if D-day didn’t occur which definitely wouldn’t have been good for the world, but the Russians 200 pc won WW2

93 years old.


3 low flying US Navy planes just passed overhead here in formation.
Are we in trouble?

They have taken over Shannon airport

I visited the German Military Cemetery at La Cambe today. There are thousands of graves like this.

Teenagers - 17 years of age barely out of childhood. Conscripted thrown a rifle and a uniform and given fuck all training and sent off to the front to be cannon fodder. Young lads more or less the same age as my father and his brothers all of whom lived into their 90s and lived long and productive lives. Snuffed before they lived a life.

Must be hard for the families of the Germans buried here to come to terms with the death. The British and the Americans have the balm of believing that theirs died so that others might live but the Germans have no such fallback. They died to satisfy the insane dreams of an evil tyranny.


You couldn’t be more wrong, the Eastern front hosted some of the absolute worst battles and situations in the history of man on an unimaginable scale from June 1941 right up to and including the battle of Berlin with highlights including the battle of Stalingrad and the Jewish Holocaust. Every other front was a blip in the radar compared to what went on there, lots of horrible situations were lost to the winds because everyone involved died during the event or during the war proper.

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Their mam’s and sisters were probably raped if they were located to the east to boot, what an excruciating period of time.

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But they didn’t see it as insane tyranny, these young lads were toddlers when Germany faced nearly societal collapse after wall Street. Hyper inflation, the country shamed and punished, hitler was seen as the saviour of all that. Not the first people to follow a demogogue out of despair.

In a way I can’t understand germans efforts since to come to terms with it, they are over contemplative etc so its in their nature to examine thoughts and actions but that was a terrible end of days time, and even then only 30 odd percent voted for the Nazis. Impossible to make sense of it now.

Have the Japanese atoned for butchery, have they fuck, they consider it a lost war. Have the French atoned for collaboration? Not at all, the day the war ended they all magically became members of the resistance. Wilful ignorance is bliss.