World War 2

It’s one of the best war books ever written

Something we forget. I’m glad we stayed neutral in WW2 to be honest and its a position we should keep.

So your statement about the Americans was silly? They clearly paid a huge part.

You couldn’t go to war with them. They ate suffering for breakfast

I’ll decide that.

The Allies knew it was a deal with the devil. Some of them wanted to go straight to war with Russia afterwards while they were mobilised and had the bomb and they didn’t. But the stomach wasn’t there for it

You do that

I’ll give you a genuine peace of advice now, and I’m actually being serious here. If you are genuinely interested in the topic, go back to the 1870s and the Franco - Prussian War and the foundation of the German Nation at Versailles. Then read up on the road to World War I, and then the War and most importantly it’s aftermath.

Then you can start on WWII.


No I’m saying if the Americans and brits didn’t land in France and make it to Germany and say Russia had free reign at the France and that they wouldn’t have just turned around and walked back to Russia.

I’m not sure if you are being serious but it’s good to see you being civil anyway.

I was being civil when I first replied to you. You declared I wasn’t the best placed to comment on the topic and you just after asking people about the EU going to war :laughing: I’m sorry but I just get impatient with thick cunts


I’m going to get stuck into this.

I meant because you seem a little obsessed with hating the brits which is fair enough but I’m not sure you’d look at their involvement in world war 2 impartiality. Nothing wrong with that tbh I only pointed it out.

Bang on. The treaty of Versailles was the overwhelming reason for ww2.


The War Guilt Clause really got up the nose of the Germans down on top of everything else they hated in it. That really stung.

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Spain & Portugal.

That’s horseshit. All major wars are won on logistics and resources. The Russians in WW2 had fuck all and received everything from England and America. They did throw millions of lads infront of bullets alright but on their own they would have won fuck all.

In WW1 you had the resources of 80 million people Vs the resources of 220 million on the allied side. The WW1 German army was probably the best army that ever existed but couldn’t compete against that over five years.


A brilliant read

Lend lease

Another factor was the women were as tough as the men. The Germans never factored that into the equation when planning the invasion. They had double the amount of soldiers to deal with.