World War 2

I’d often think of the German dead in WW2. How hard they fought and how, now, their struggle is so un-pc their ancestors are probably ashamed of what they did. They fought so hard, held out for so long in un-winnable situations, and all to be forgotten. They are truly a forgotten generation

I actually get upset thinking of WW2


A rare visitor for them in Romania, were they in bad shape? There are supposed to be big ones in the former Prussia region. They were desecrated and are hard to find. @balbec might know more
There are videos on YouTube from the Ukraine and along the steppe showcasing German remains as they were left when the whermact retreated, a gunner and loader with ammunition beside a MG34/42… What a sad end

Best trained army in the world at one time

. Disregard

It’s not only that. I’ve no sympathy whatsoever for the Nazi cause, whatsoever, but I feel for the ordinary lads who, for whatever reason, felt that they had to die for it. They’ll always be remembered as the enemy whereas, like any beaten army, they were mostly made of ordinary lads. It’s crazy to look back on that time.

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Romania lost 100000 afaik( big oil supplier)
Transylvania was all Saxon settlers originally ( German) siebenburg- 7 large cities that make it up are all originally German/ Saxon
Romania was dragged into both world wars

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Not in bad shape but not large either, outside villages and towns( side of the road job)

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A lad I was in school with had a grandfather who fought in the Wehrmacht as a teenager. After the war he was done with Germany and conflict and moved to mayo to be a shark fisherman. I never met the man but his grandson told me that he had awful trouble with it, but as far as he was concerned he was fighting for his country. Winners write it sure.

Imagine if the Germans didn’t have to basically fight the Italians battles for them. And if they hadn’t made the insane decision to go into Russia.

Imagine if they had won WW1. Which was basically a royal squabble, no WW2 no cold war and horrors of worldwide communism probably

Ploesti was targeted by the RAF as they were supplying Germans with oil

There were Germans all over Europe sure, from those Palatines in Limerick to the Volga Germans. There is a little Palatine in me

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Winning WW1 is the real butterfly effect moment, if that clown Willie wasn’t so focused on his naval power they would have won it. The Brits had no good reason to join and wouldn’t have if their dominance of the high seas wasn’t challenged. They had no legal reason in our timeline either yet ruined themselves by joining. They effectively built a pipeline to the US and pumped every single unit of currency earned through imperialism straight into New York by fighting.
The imperial Germans were too Prussian to prosper, the modern day Germans still harbor a similar arrogance without the militarism.

It’s an interesting point to wonder what would have happened if they stopped after taking Yugoslavia in WW2


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Like FG and the war of independence?


There’s a German war cemetery in Kraków across the road from the Polish one. And a small British one, mainly airmen though there is one Gurkha buried there. There’s a small Russian one about half a mile from where I used to live here. A massive Russian one on the way into Wroclaw and a big one in Szczecin though my father in law says it was mainly lads who died at the end of the war from accidental shootings and car crashes.


The German army of WW1 was the greatest fighting force ever assembled IMO.


The Treaty of London from 1839, promising to defend Belgium. They could have ignored it of course but it was a reason.


This was a great show

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The alternative history stuff is fascinating. Stalin was arguably a greater monster than Hitler.