World War 2

Did it really? I never really knew that. It doesn’t sit well with me.

I’m sure it’s still derided by many.

I’d love to have been a paratrooper.

They had not.

If the war had been a hurling game, on June 5th, 1944 the Nazis would have been in a similar sort of position to the one Limerick were in directly after Johnny Dooley scored that goal from a free in the 1994 All-Ireland final.

D-Day and the days after it were the Pat O’Connor goal.

A civil servant in DC in the early years of the Reagan administration sowed the seeds for what we now have in terms of relationships with USA. The Taoiseach visit with shamrock to White House started in 1982.


I lived with a fella years ago who joined the french foreign legion, you could do that. You could join up with Ukraine either it’s essentially a the same situation as WWII so the option is there for you.

Yes we were derided globally. However, politically it would have been impossible here to have joined the war on the British side. Moreover it would have been counterproductive for the British. They would have been spread too thin to defend us. We weren’t going to hold the Wehrmacht back with blunderbusses and pitchfork. Hitler would have invaded and made slave laborers of us all.

The thing that grigged the British the most was that they had handed back the Treaty ports the year before the war started. They would have been invaluable for the purpose of Atlantic defense.


Was his name Jude by any chance.

A family friend joined the French foreign legion. The same fella wasn’t exactly Kirsty the clown but Christ when he came home he was fairly fucking serious.

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Interesting I never knew that. From what i can see hitler would have taken Britain much easier if he went for it before the Americans arrived.

On a global front I’m not so sure the japs tactic of just charging like their tales were on fire at the enemy was a great tactic to win a war.

It reminded me of liverpool under jurgen klopp facing Real Madrid.

How many did they get killed?

No a Dublin fella. Ken possibly. Wanted to join the Irish rangers but had damaged his knee too badly so off he went to the french.

No, not true. You have only ingested the allied propaganda to ensure continued public support and hard fighting from enlisted men.

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Wilson’s failed league of nations and American isolation stymied American growth…

As for finishing the Europeans… The treaty of Versailles was regarded by many at the time as a mere armistice and another war was inevitable… the yanks knew it and stayed away from Europe as long as possible.

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If it wasn’t true the war wouldn’t have gone on for almost another year.

The most unintentionally funny post I’ve ever read, anywhere :grinning:

I’m sure you can sign up for most armies around the world and live your dream.

If I was to join any army it would be our own reserve forces. Seems like a noble calling

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Klopp’s Red Army

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They’re looking for Garda reserves.

Can’t say i blame him