Worst Place in Ireland

Not much difference other than that they are villages, you complete fucking gom.


New Ross has a fine little pub hidden away through a small door at the back of an off licence

McManus’s across from the Tholsel.

Kells is a hideous place
i was there on sunday, a horrible depressing place
heritage town my ass

I spent a good bit of time in Ross in the mid nineties and while there was some nice pubs ( Katie pats was one ) and good vibes about the town,once it hit 2:30am it was time to get the fuck out of there.
3 Saturday’s in a row we had to fight our way out of the coliseum after being attacked for no reason at all by scummers.
Was there for a funeral 4 months ago and couldn’t get over how run down the place has gotten.

I think people were willing to accept the faults in Ross until that Swedish lad was murdered for no reason outside the pub. If Good Counsel wasn’t such a good school with a good reputation the town would have fallen to rack and ruin many years ago.

Gorey benefits from its proximity to Middle Class South Dublin and also the amount of holiday homes based in places like Ballymoney, Tara Hill, Cahore and some of the more affluent coastal villages. Gorey has plenty of chain stores too - Heatons, Sportssavers, Elverys, Boots etc.

Outside of Kerry and possibly Galway, its the best place in Ireland I’ve seen for monetising the national tourist trade. Shops that wouldn’t work in any other regional town in Ireland survive there as they appeal to people who have stupid amounts of money who don’t care spending it.

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It was a strange place no doubt. A group of about 20 fella decided one night they wanted a go at us, for no reason whatsoever, there were about 12 of us ( male and female) and by fuck it was a sinister incident. They came out of doorways and from behind poles and everywhere.
It was disappointing as there was always a good old buzz about the place.
It put me right off of the place anyway.
Nice job on the park down there too btw.

Glad you emerged to subsequently tell the tale, pal.

I was a young buck then. A few clatters wouldn’t have bothered me. Take a few digs, give a few back. No real harm.
Only mentioned it because these lads were organised up the length of the street, ready to ambush people. Not really normal behaviour, I hope.

Not in Wexford anyway. Pre-planning for fights or battles wouldn’t be our strong point.


What type of shops, pal? I had a brief look around Gorey for the first time in years at Christmas and it was nicely bustling with a good atmosphere.

2 shops opened last summer selling only homemade ice-cream and old style boiled sweets. There were queues outside them every day even if it was raining. They were about 10 doors away from each other on Esmonde St. There’s high end womens boutiques that get featured on the likes of Expose regularly that can’t hold onto stock as its in such demand. They’ve created a lot of their own hype in fairness to them.

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The rural resettlement scheme has not really helped West Tipperary.

I couldn’t two flying fucks once the land remains fertile. :wink:

Katie Pats is now an opticians (curiously, owned by someone who would have been a frequenter of the place as a pub in that mid to late 90s period which we get amusement out of now) and the Colosseum burned down. I havent drank in the place in a good while now, the docks was the new late opening bar but I think that has gone by the wayside now too.

Good point well made.

Are you far from town up there?

Walking distance from the town centre. I’m slowly being turned into a townie and I’m not one bit happy about it. However the convenience of it all makes it bearable.

Closer than the pitch?

Depending on the part of time pretty much. At the other end of the town though. Less than 5 mins walk from the bookies or pub of my choice. Neither are too accomodating for buggies unfortunately.