Worst Place in Ireland

And you could at least take down the GAA insignia when you post your despicable racist bullshit. Fucking embarassing.

I’d agree with Shannon as a major shithole, have the misfortune to work there, place has actually disimproved lately with the arrival of scumbags from Limerick city under the regeneration programme. Buttevant is a depressing place even to pass through, I dont even want to find out what stopping there would be like.

Whats wrong with Mallow, Ennis, Abbeyfeale Kev?

Cool the jets boardsie

Ah here, that kinda racist shit is unacceptable. Saying its a bad thing there is so many people of a certain nationality in one area - fuck off.

I know quin is named after Niall Quinn anyway

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In fairness Clooney used to actually be Cooney but had to be changed after 1998

Are you really questioning Abbeyfeale being a shit hole? A horrible hole of a place.

Mallow is a major dive lads, now it may look ok in recent years the way its been grown, but there is a major underbelly of scum there. Used to go out there a bit when younger, quite a few stabbings there back in the day.

Ennis i just don’t like the people, used to be up there for work alot, just didn’t like it.

I’m sure clg has a reasonable explanation or an apology.


The ‘kill yourself’ post was the one which shocked me I must say.

Sure it was a racist post but it didn’t deserve that!!

It was probably OTT but I hate that kind of shit.

Gort has O’Grady’s pub, favourite stopping off point coming from Galway races. There are surely a few gamey Brazilian girls around aswell.

Abbeyfeale is a fine spot and home to the Corn na Feile Coursing Festival and Jack O’Rourke’s pub.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 35181”]
You can’t be picking places because of traffic. Whatever about Gort, it is full of travelers and Brazilians, Buttevant is very inoffensive. I mean if your travelling from Cork to Limerick you pass through Charleville, Croom (in the old days) and Mallow (ditto), all super duper shitholes, and you pick Buttevant?[/quote]
Kev, I’m going to claim some local north Cork knowledge here, and declare that Buttevant is by far the biggest shithole in the area. As someone said, driving through the place is like going through a timewarp. My favourite is the shop that has a ‘Coke-a-Cola Is It’ sign outside it. The people are generally unpleasant, and I suspect much of the trouble you encountered in Mallow may have been caused by Buttevant lads. As far as I know, that’s where they would socialise. On top of all that, they host the Cahermee horse fair, thereby bringing some true scum into the locality for a week. The pubs in all the neighbouring parishes close their doors while these cunts are around. In summary, Buttevant is a shithole.

That’s reassuring to know Braz83, and confirms my belief Kev was totally out of order in his attack on me earlier.

You have become very tiresome lately and are trying too hard.

Furthermore, please refrain from making such despicable comments towards my future wife or we will be having words…

Please refer to the charter.

Cahermee is an epic event, long may it continue. Oliver Reed thought Buttevant was an alright joint. I often had a pint there coming from Cork.

Turenne havin’ a mare here in recent times


Most trouble i encountered in Mallow was from townies.

That shop-come pub is O’ Neills, one of my favourite pit stops in Ireland. Kilorglin is a good town, but has Puc, which brings an extrordinary amount of scum to the town, still a good town and festival though.

I ain’t saying its a great place, just not a shithole imo.

Fuck you softie.