Would You Re-Join The Commonwealth to Secure Ireland?

When england leave the eu we are in trouble. would you join to unite Ireland?

I would like to see us out of the EU.

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Scaremongering today about Ireland losing out if Britain leave. We’d agree a bilateral agreement with them and things would continue as they are.

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Can we join anyway even if they dont leave?

Why would we be in trouble Joe?

Yes I would in a heartbeat. We should be in it already.

Would you go back to the Commonwealth if it meant all traditions in this country decided to call themselves Irish (as much as someone can call themselves Australian)?

Yes. Absolutely.

The link must be broken with Britain.

If rejoining the commonwealth saves Ireland, is it unpatriotic to oppose it?

That thing about the €3 billion it’d cost us was one of the most flawed piles of shite I’ve ever read

I believe we should consider the concept of external association.

Come back to us on that

What in the name of.fuck benefit is their to being in the CW? It’s a bullshit social club for ex English colonies. Are the yanks in it? Fuck no.
The only purpose it would serve is to make quislings like Tim Riggins and Jeff Boycott feel warm and fuzzy inside.

It also offers a lower level athletics competition we might win an occasional medal in. I think we should do it.

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If there is nothing to it then what’s the problem?

Symbolism mate. We told the Brits to go fuck themselves and laid down lives to do so. It’s what sets us apart for lickspittle countries like Aus, Canada, NZ etc. It’s part of our cultural make-up, whether we like it or not.
The CW allows legitimises colonialism.
Now if it was worth us a few Euro in joining up, then fair enough.

That’s fair enough, mate, and I’m only asking here…but we would have self government and everything that comes with it. If it meant a united Ireland, why not? Wouldn’t it be easier to leave it again with our northern bretheren onboard this time? It wouldn’t make us any less Irish.

we should re-unite with the United Kingdom immediately I would sugggest

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Did we really mate? Is that why we live in a divided country when they live in united democracies where they have the option of dropping all of their British past if they want to?

Should never have left it.

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