Would You Re-Join The Commonwealth to Secure Ireland?

Even DeValera said we shouldn’t leave.

It would be a very positive message to send about our relationship with Britain.

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Was he anything to Eamonn De Valera?

Gas isn’t it. One thread debating a united Ireland and another debating tje commonwealth.
I’d say Charlie and Paisley must be hammering the shit out of each other

Sure she’d have a go at anything on the table.


So Sein Fein admit almost 100 years later that starting a civil war over allegiance to the monarch was wrong.

That’s the way things have gone now I suppose.

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@anon61956325 has some explaining to do

I’d imagine if a UI is on the table for Unionists … The same applies to Republicans. Nothing to see here, pal. Just a bit of chatter.

I won’t be swearing allegiance to any monarch you cunt, just so your mob can seize power


For what did the sons of Eireann die for?

Beggars belief. Absolutely unbelievable



I’d shoot her myself, pal. Dont worry about it - it’s a bit of lip service.

A very serious subject tbf.

If they wanted real power they should take their seats in Westminster and blow brexit up and do NI a proper service

Flesh that out a bit there, pal?

Iv had my say


Good one, pal.

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