Would You Re-Join The Commonwealth to Secure Ireland?

Lads can yé both bullet point your yay and nay?

Sure we’ve being swearing to the monarch for 100s of years


Around 2008 - 2010 when the financial shitstorm was unfolding there was much “ what would the men of 1916 have thought “ .


Is Canada that united though? Quebec V the rest?

No talk of independence there any more.

I’m right in saying Canada is federal, so Quebec would have it’s own laws?

Quebec has voted twice (1980 and 1995) to stay Canadian. It is nonsense to call them French, they may speak the language but they have been British since 1763 like the rest of Canada. A nation of lickspittles.


Well yes they are. They are a Federation where one region has twice had the chance to break off.

You can keep mentioning it but it’s no good. They just keep hiding behind “history” when they have thrown out nearly every other principle.

Seriously flesh that out

Iv had my say. I wont be ladybirding it for you

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Brexit will be good for NI.
It will force Unionists to see the future (which is coming anyway).

But but but @gilgamboa wants SF to stop this

They’ll walk into Westminster and wave a magic wand apparently… :rofl:

Yes, but he’s from Cork. There are a lot like him down there.

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And no other mps would change their votes to spite them :grinning::grinning:

They’d be queuing up to work with SF… all 7 of the SF members elected

Serious amount of sweep sweepery going on here.

Brexit be good for NI :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: