Wrongs perpetrated by the British Army (the original title was buggering me)

Trying to parrot me tells us all where we are at. You’ve attempted to drag this thread to the gutter to navigate away from your shame.

Stop windmilling. There was very little done — I forget what ex politican is in the Ballymurphy doc but all the Irish gov did was ask the brits was anything untoward going on and when they were told no, they just left it at that … actually, that could have been from another doc on collusion. The world knows that the Brits and the RUC were helping Loyalists carryout murders - including Dublin-Monaghan … FG have covered this up… trying to play down tensions is one thing, but letting your own people be murdered in cold blood and doing nothing? That’s cowardly. Maybe we should have gone to war - any other country would have… Instead we forced nationalists to pick up guns and bombs themsleves and look what happened there… We in the south then rolled over to have our bellies tickled and spat on anything republican along the way.


Speculation. I deal in facts. Like geography.

Lot of opinions there and self loathing. You have no idea what happened and what Irish government did. Are you genuinely suggesting a military invasion of Northern Ireland? The only route open was a political and diplomacy one.

It led to Sunningdale agreement, which led to Anglo Irish Agreement which led to Good Friday Agreement.

The Sunningdale Agreement failed.

It did. It does suggest that more than nothing being done and smarter people than you deciding not invading Northern Ireland as a good idea.

I’ll sign off now as I can still see the light from the rabbit hole I climbed down and will now climb back up.

No - but we should have tooled up and called the Brits bluff … the evidence was there for the world to see what was going on. Little old Ireland standing up for itself in the face of disgusting apartheid and murder would have had a lot of support and there would have been world intervention, we should have forced it - but we rolled over and let the British security forces do as they wanted. Of course militarily we wouldnt have lasted pissing time against Britain, but that shouldnt have been the intention, there’s no way they would have went to war with Ireland either. That cunt Lynch showed the world that the Irish are cowards.

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You’re backtracking.

Like the coward you are.

Typical cowardly cunt running away.

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But this is the entire point. You’ve basically just admitted the whole thing. The Irish government wasn’t strong enough to do anything and is effectively the equivalent of a fat old man watching TV with a beer in hand, criticising Cristiano Ronaldo for not playing soccer the way he likes. You’re point is basically “we’re shit but they’re shitter”. That’s just not a strong point to make.

None of this explains your inability to talk about the Ballymurphy killings, engage with those communities or your pavlovian references to punishment beatings, beyond the explanations that I have given above.

Yes. What I was actually thinking of was how the Irish government abandoned their own army at Jadotville. Obviously I take no pleasure in that either but I do observe that what goes around comes around.


You were talking shite and got completely defeated. Battle of the Boyne here.

Nordies are always whingeing and expecting someone else to do the hard work for them.


They got out and did the hard work in Ballymurphy and you’re still whinging about them.

Article 4 of the 1937 Constitution.

The name of the State is Éire ,

They try to absolve their own guilt prtheir own failings with no basis. It galls them that Northern nationalists went off and fought for themselves valiantly and bravely against the odds.

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The constitution of the Southern partitioned state?

More ridiculous speculation.

Not really in your case.

I think the poor chap is getting mixed up with the 1922 saorstat constitution.