Wrongs perpetrated by the British Army (the original title was buggering me)

The thread was bumped to discuss the Ballymurphy massacre and the free state lackeys have done everything to move the goal posts away from the original post. Typical.

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The title of this thread is “Things the British Army have done wrong”. That’s straightforward.

If the Ballymurphy killings cannot be discussed without talking about the IRA and punishment beatings, is that not the ultimate proof that the Sinn Fein narrative on the origin of the troubles is correct?

It’s fascinating to see in action.

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This is a good wikipedia page that I learned a lot from, but I don’t think it even explains the whole thing. Seriously weird cunts.

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He’s befuddled. Didn’t even realize that the 1922 constitution was superseded by the 1937 Constitution. That’s what happens when you move out of your comfort zone.

This is an excellent documentary - more of the same really. It’s about the Loughlinisland murders the night of the Ireland Italy match in 1994.

It shows just how entrenched corruption and collusion was in the British system.



I agree with this ideologically but what exactly could the 26 counties do? The Brits couldn’t even control the loyalists.

Forced the Brits to the table - by placing troops all around the border — put an international light on what was happening by highlighting the murders and beatings and burnings. Played the Irish -American card in doing so - a fairly strong lobby group. The UN was well up and running by then and we were sending troops abroad to war torn countries — I know a request went in to send troops to the north, but we should have plagued the shit out of them to intervene - Lynch backed down when we had a choice, a number in his party were up for it but he was for ‘peace’ and for standing idly by.

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Didnt Lynch later apologize to British soldiers who were injured in the north? By god … we are some embarrassment.

Just stop.

The Irish state from its formation was run by corrupt incompetents from top to bottom. They wouldn’t organize an invasion of the Aran islands let alone Northern Ireland. I’m sure if you were around at the time you would have gone charging across the border in your FCA uniform with your hurl over your shoulder.


I’ve dreamt about it every night for 30 years… I was top marksman in my unit.

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I’m not disagreeing with you there tho … Lynch did enough to make it look like actions were being taken but it was just to secure votes and his continued governance … and that’s Irish politics 101.

But you weren’t just up against the Brits - you were up against an army of absolute bigoted headbangers who were liable to chop up every Catholic in the North if the process wasn’t managed correctly.

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Yes - but bringing them to the table to sort their control of the situation in the early days could have defused an awful lot of it. Instead we got Ballymurphy and Bloody Sunday and interment and the creation of head bangers on the other side also. By doing fuck all the Irish government also allowed violence to spiral out of control. You can argue it was catch 22 but their laissez faire approach created the Ra as much as anything else did.

Ah stop

The Irish state was run at the start by lads that hadn’t tuppence between the lot of them. Our economy was 60 years behind Europe. We had fuck all industry and fuck all resources.
The effort and risk that the generations of the early 20th century has been richly rewarded when you have lads that wouldn’t do a stroke of work are constantly on the internet deriding the heroes of the past for not starting a war against an army that had just won a World War with the help of the Yanks when all we had was loads of green lads with hurleys to play cowboys and Indians.

You couldn’t make it up.


I’m not sure anyone here said start a war, have they?

They didn’t have to arm and train them though


True that.

And actually participate in sectarian killings. A lot of them.


Well put two armies in close proximity to each other and that is what you end up with