Wrongs perpetrated by the British Army (the original title was buggering me)

Not necessarily -

We had/ have a moral obligation to stand up and do the right thing for our own people. We didnt. We lack the moral courage as a people to do what’s right. and that’s fact … we let our people be murdered and burned out of their homes for decades and did nothing. You can go for your cheap likes but what the fuck are we about if we are willing to ignore our own being butchered? — Did we do everything we possibly could have?? No. We did very little.

The extradition laws between the North and South were rarely used.

The IRA often committed attacks across the border, returned to the 26 counties where they were rarely touched.



Proper order.

This thread has really flushed out the coward mentality that exists in the republic … it’s fascinating to see how servile many Irish people actually are.

They did, they occupied Letterkenny and Ballybofey.

Bro you got to stop focussing on the Brits all the time. They would have been shot of the 6 counties in the 60s if they had the chance. It was the Unionists/Loyalists that were the problem, along with the Brits unwillingness to confront them and in fact actually use them in their war with the IRA. Those bigoted fuckers fuelled by Paisley were willing to die to keep the status quo, and actually took pleasure in committing the most gruesome killings of Catholics along the way.

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They were hospital camps tho? and of course that move on it’s own would have done nothing — you send a load of troops up to highlight how serious your government is about the situation and you open talks. - and use other political moves to pile on the pressure – but the cowardly servile lads here are happy to excuse their cowardice with little smiley faces and banding together for cheap likes on the internet.

Kingsmill was a discriminate sectarian attack that carries a lot of shame with it in Republican circles.

There’s no doubting its effectiveness in putting manners on the loyalist murder mobs though.

stats on that aint your friend farmer


I’m fully aware of that. But stronger control/governance/action at the start could have stopped an awful lot of killings, mate.

It could have caused a lot more as well mate.

Fuck sake what did you want them to do.
We hadn’t the army to invade
We were still a fledgling state in that our leaders were the last generation that were all born under British rule
The only country that had the influnce with teh Brits were the Yanks and even though we think we have great influence over there we have fuck all compared to the UK.

The likes of Lynch and before him Lemass had seen great strife and poverty in this country. The UN were never going to put a force into a First World Country (the UK). We hadn’t the army to go North and would have been massacred with the possibility however remote that we would have lost more territory.

Were Irish people been discriminated against in the North. YES
Were there a lot of killings. Not until the IRA became active
Were the Irish government complicit in helping the IRA . Yes
Could they have done more . Yes but when the IRA brought their war down South that finished any other help.



It was verging on ethnic cleansing. Catholics being burned out of Bombay St was the seminal moment in the formation of the Provos.

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Who was invading? Have you lost the plot?

I’m not disagreeing with a lot of your points - nor @farmerinthecity - merely saying that we had an obligation to do more and help our brothers and sisters out by forcing the issue as best we could. We didnt so nationalists on the ground decided to do it themselves and who could blame them?

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You really are a fuckwit.

Putting manners on Loyalists? The Kingsmill atrocity inspired a generation of scumbags like Billy Wight.

At the time the US were up to their tonsils in Vietnam with a Republican president in Nixon, it is doubtful they would have batted an eyelid.

John Hume was trying to draw attention to it and it was only really the Jimmy Carter administration before anything was done through Ted Kennedy and Tip O’Neill.

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Not me.

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