Wrongs perpetrated by the British Army (the original title was buggering me)

Brought “their” war down South.

Sadly this is a prevalent attitude with the free staters.

You have absolutely no context to the situation.

The day before Kingsmill, we had the heinous murders by loyalist murder groups of the Reavey and O’Dowd families. In the aftermath of Kingsmill, there was nothing.

You haven’t a clue what you are talking about.

I am doubting it. I assume you have evidence to back this up although I suspect that is as plentiful as what appears on a UVF member’s police file.

There’s one of us who hasn’t a clue. That’s you.

What reprisals were there for Kingsmill?

What were the reprisals?

Led by state forces

He’s a spacer, pig ignorant on Irish history. He lamented earlier that we didn’t have a Slobodan Milosevic type character during the troubles.

This is the type of fuckwit you are dealing with.


I’d have had a Milosevic type figure over a servile quisling like Lynch any day.

May be none directly in the following days but the effects of that massacre on the 6 counties in terms of even the likes of the Shankill Butchers was massive.

By giving the Brits free reign this is also what you got - they encouraged Loyalists to murder innocent Catholics — because they never really viewed Catholics as innocent because they (Army) were allowed do as they wanted.


Don’t expect him to see the bigger picture.

imagine the oirish army heading up to the border in 1969, in a convoy of ford escorts, the brits would have shat themelves alright :rofl:


Not really. Sectarian loyalist killings and targeting of innocent catholics were ever much as prevalent before Kingsmill.

The Kingsmill massacre as reprehensible as it was put a stop to a period where Catholic civilians were being brutally murdered by loyalist gangs.

Sure we’re all friends now, that’s what matters

Over on slugger o’toole the guidelines say play the ball, not the man.
I’m banned there right enough

As friends we should be able to bring up the wrong-doings like Ballymurphy and work through them … but what you have here is a load of guilt from lads who are ashamed of their own actions/stance and the actions of their fathers - and by action I mean in-action… the free state men are by and large racked with guilt when it comes to the north — so much so they always try and turn the conversation into the wrong doings of the IRA to justify their own cowardice. You cant have a simple conversation about the massacre and murders carried out in cold blood in Ballymurphy and they shift it away to some bullshit about modern day scumbags and punishment beatings.

cc @TheUlteriorMotive


The only thing that Loyalists really understood was the type of savagery they dished out, in return. They were big men with the army and state police behind them but cowards after that.

Their Mars bar hunger strikes say it all.

I was a member of the Naval Reserve in my younger days. As late as the 1980s we were armed with Lee Enfield rifles that had seen service in the Boer War.


Half of Eire were emigrating to the mainland at that stage, my own family included. End product of near 50 years of a failed state. And the Pretend IRA reckoned it was a good idea to invade the Nothern Ireland part of the UK when it was exporting its citizens en masse. The Eire state couldn’t even look after its own people.