Wrongs perpetrated by the British Army (the original title was buggering me)

When did ye change over to hurleys like the rest of us?

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And now we have thousands of tans applying for Irish passports - it’s a funny old world.

This sort of sledging made beating the tar out of the Crown Funded Tyrone all the sweeter for me this year.

They’ve just admitted the direct causal link between Ballymurphy and then the IRA activity later on and they’ve admitted that means they can’t talk about the Ballymurphy killings for fear of justifying what happened later.

The Brits and Channel 4 can talk about it but we can’t.

Then they go and slate these communities when they openly even refuse to engage with the fact of them being gunned down on the streets by the British State.


Well the IRA killed some UVF cunt in advance of Loughlinisland so two loyalist lads went into a pub and blew away 6 Catholics.

I would say that they were all about their retaliation.

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Killing a UVF guy is a different kettle of fish to killing 10 innocent civilians.

Billy Wright was mentioned earlier. What about him going around South Armagh committing sectarian killings?

Real classy touch by the non-sectarian IRA to allow the one Catholic off the bus in Kingsmill before gunning down the rest. Sinn Fein still sneering about it more than forty years on as evidenced by the antics of their former Member of Parliament for West Tyrone.

Loyalists were doing what Billy Wright before and after Kingsmill. The likelihood is he would have a different reason for doing what he did irrespective of Kingsmill. What was the reason for Robin Jackson going around murdering innocent Catholics.

It turns out that the sweet talking, tattooed sporting pikey, is a barenuckle gypsy boxing champion, which makes him harder than a coffin nail. However, thats the last thing on tommys mind, if gorgeous doesnt wake up in the next few minuets Tommy knows he will be buried with him. Why would the Gypsys go to the trouble of explaining why a mans hid in their camp site, when they can bury the pair of them and just move camp, its not like theyve got social security numbers is it. Tommy, the tit is praying, and if he isnt, he fucking should be.

or 12

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Or 21

or 29

Whilst I dont advocate that we should have declared war on the brits and arm everyone with hurleys , our government could have taken a more pragmatic approach to safeguard the civil rights of these people. A people who are ultimately in a different jurisdiction but share same cultural identity and values and many of whom identified as being Irish. 2 years after Ballymurphy we joined EU and became less of a backwater. Our government could have lobbied on behalf of those citizens in Northern Ireland. In early 1980s you had Dunnes stores workers striking because of the exact same fucking treatment meted out to black people by the Afrikanners 1000s of miles away while a hundred miles up the road the same thing was going on and nothing was done. Our government sat on their hands. The old maxim “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” springs to mind.

As we have already seen this year and indeed other years referendums like same sex marriage and 8th amendment can have ripple effects in the north. I’m sure if this was made an issue here at the time there would have been acts of solidarity with our northern friends. It could have galvanised them like it did Mandela in Robin Island when he learned of the Dunnes stores workers striking. Instead these people were abandoned and disowned and its to our eternal shame and embarrassment.


Bombings are different to shooting people in cold blood.

different method of delivery of death, but same net result.

as an aside that’s one of the most idiotic things ive ever read on the internet.


Hardly idiotic.

The bombing campaign was not intended to cause civilian casualties. It might have done in certain circumstances but its not like the Provos were fighting on an even keel with their adversaries.

What did you think of Mandela?

when you plant explosives in civilian areas what result do you expect. and besides, the numbers killed in bombings makes a mockery of your assertions that it wasn’t intended to cause civilian casualties.

my thoughts on mandela:: hes dead.

Nice cop out.

I have no issue with someone saying “In the circumstances we couldn’t protect these people. We were weak and shit. I feel ashamed. We should not judge them.” I admire people who can say that. My issue is with these sanctimonious do-nothing wankers trying to make themselves feel better by victim-blaming the Northern Nationalists. Some of these people are highly cynical opportunists.

Two good lines on shame by George Bernard Shaw:-

“The more things a man is ashamed of, the more respectable he is.”
“When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares that it is his duty.”