Wrongs perpetrated by the British Army (the original title was buggering me)

not a cop out, just a way of dealing with your deflection.

now to the crux of the matter: over 500 civilians were killed by the RA, a shedload higher than their nearest competitor, the UVF, which indicates a deliberate targeting of civilians.

No it’s a cop out. You’re a hypocrite.

quit your normal deflecting shit and focus on the 500 dead civilians not some dead lad from south africa

I’m not deflecting. You can’t address your inconsistencies. What did you think of Mandela?

You dont think they didn’t? We were allowed in to the EU because the Brits allowed it.
The Europeans didnt give us serious consideration untill the middle to late 80’s. We had to earn our place at the table.

After all the shit that has gone on and you’re still trusting statistics from Britain and the RUC!!

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were not talking about mandela, were talking about NI, 500 dead civilians.

I’m not going down one of your shitehawk rabbitholes.

stick to singing songs about bravely murdering grannies and kids.

are you disputing the CAIN figures? do you have proof or are you just full of shite?

I know. You can’t tell us what you think of Mandela for fear of outing your hypocrisy.

What did you think of him?

I think it has been proven round about and up and down that the Brits/RUC acted the complete cunt in the Troubles so I wouldn’t trust statistics that they were involved with for a second.

so you’ve fuck all then

Not to mention the role of British intelligence services in handling warnings of bombings and prior information on them.

Bit of a difference between Terrorists killing people and the British state colluding in the murder of their own innocent citizens. The state should obviously be held to a higher standard and it’s not too much to ask that their role be investigated thoroughly.



Unfortunately Fooley isn’t the smartest.

Why is it do you think the British government dont want a truth and reconciliation commission?

its really jumping the shark nonsense when you start to ignore the planting of explosives in civilians areas as the root cause of civilians deaths from bombs.

When did I mention that?

the inference was there to see.

tell me, did the poor dowager and the 2 teenagers on mountbatterns boat, which I know you love to sing about, get a warning?

Did the two kids murdered in Warrington get a warning? Murdering IRA scum.