Wrongs perpetrated by the British Army (the original title was buggering me)

Actually, you’re a liar. I didn’t use “but” about Kingsmills at all.

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Ah yeah. “You are a loon.” That’s me told, anyway.

Top, top debating.

You used a “but”. And then followed it with weasel words. Loyalists and Brits and Brits colluding with Loyalists could just as easily use these same weasel words. “But.”

There is no “but”.

To be fair, you’re not the only one to attempt a mitigation of it.

Have you an issue with that?

What did you think of Mandela Sid?

A violent murdering terrorist was it?

Nelson Mandela didn’t wage a witless, headless 26 year campaign of atrocities against civilians which had zero chance of success right from the start.

The dispensing with critical thinking that support for Sinn Fein absolutely demands is fairly astounding.

Ultimately, when you get down to brass tacks, it’s a cult.

And you are 100% a cultist, in everything you do, in the way you throw your toys out of the pram like a child on literally every subject at the least disagreement.

The Aughnacloy Shaman indeed.

Also, you’re a Russian imperialist. Are there many Russian imperialists in Sinn Fein?

You did though.

You supported the Provisional campaign and justified it.

The history didn’t change but your version of it has.

That’s what is interesting here.

Nelson Mandela was part of a movement which didn’t wage a campaign that caused atrocities of civilians? No bombings? No innocent lives cost?

As far as I can tell nationalists in the north can now drive on their roads without UDR checkpoints of walk down a street without an army soldier pointing a gun in their face and pushing them up against a wall.

Catholics can now prosper for equal employment and educational opportunities without being dismissed by what school they went or what their named sounded like.

They can travel down south to a GAA game without being taken out of a car and murdered when returning.

They can congegrate on streets without being picked off by a state employed sniper.

Of course all you have done is serve to display your ignorance and lack of understanding of what life was like for northern nationalists.

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Russia have been on the right side of things more often that now. Aren’t you a big Democrat supporter in America - Vietnam, Iraq, Cuba. Look at all the blood on the hands of your ideology.

Aye, and none of that thanks to the Provos, who merely perpetuated the situation where all that was the case for decades.

Well done Provos.

With people like that claiming to be their “friends”, Catholics in the north scarcely needed enemies.

You’ve gone down the Regina Doherty route now


Your shift to the far right continues unabated.

You literally support the annexation of other countries by colonial powers. That’s what the British Empire did. That’s literally what the Nazis did. And you support it on the exact same grounds the Nazis did it. The exact same grounds the Sudetenland was invaded.

That’s a fact.

Can you answer the question? Are there many Russian colonialists like you in Sinn Fein?

What’s Sinn Fein’s stance on the matter?


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I dont understand why on a thread called “Wrongs perpetrated by the British Army” there are always posters posting at length about “provos this” and “provis that”. There seems to me something very off about that.

You’re desperately looking for an escape hatch again, Angelo.

Can’t you debate?

Why not? :grinning:

Would it be anything to do with you having the mental age of a 6 year old, displaying it literally every time you post, because the entirety of your sad little existence as a human is a performative internet persona?

That’s a rhetorical question.

You’re the one who has ignored the central point.

You have been duplicitous.

You supported the armed campaign. You went to great lengths to justify the armed campaign.

Now your tune has changed. The history hasn’t though.

So the question is why have you tried to rewrite your own history? Why are you being duplicitous about your own past? Your own former views? Your own former account of history. Because none of these facts have changed.

Now maybe finally you can muster some character or some courage and address that rather than duck it?

Or you’re just confronted and hurt because you live in an echo chamber, and are unable to debate these opinions.

Former Provo supporter Sid has got a severe case of amnesia.

You can’t debate your own past views. You won’t entertain it.

Again, a badly written rewrite of posts which have badly rewritten about a thousand times. No insight. No debate.

Just raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr.

Like a six year old.

That’s your level.

And you want to pretend you should not be challenged on your views.

You’re a hypocrite and how dare anyone challenge on your hollow, insincere virtue signaling.

Don’t worry, maybe because you have lost the debate on here you can try and personalise it in more sinister ways as is your form.