Wrongs perpetrated by the British Army (the original title was buggering me)

Debate what opinion, the provos were bad? Who said they weren’t and what does it have to do with the thread title? You aren’t even debating a point, you’re just saying over and over that you don’t support the provos.

The initial point was that after Ballymoney and Bloody Sunday some people joined the provos believing themselves to be fighting back against the British. As I’ve stated above your opinion in 2021 of the provos and their actions has on effect on whether or not this was their belief.

What is there to debate? You just said you’re not debating. You’re just fighting with yourself.

That’s your problem right there. You’re devastated that somebody grew up and changed their opinions, because you know you never can. Because your brain does not have a think function.

All you have is the mindset of a mafia man.

Cue desperate escape hatch after escape hatch, because you can’t debate.

Extreme nationalism is a cult. Snake oil, peddled by deranged shamans like you.

You didn’t change your views.

You revised history.

That’s the difference between honest and sincere viewpoints and someone who manipulates the facts and twists them to suit the agenda. You are duplicitous and you won’t address that. I can accept viewpoints changing but rewriting history is not a case of changing your viewpoint. It’s a case of someone who stands for nothing.

You are a deranged loon like Eoghan Harris.

Not an argument. Not debate. Nothing more than abuse because somebody doesn’t have the same opinions as you and that deeply hurts you and angers you on a very visceral level.

And that’s what you do on every thread, every topic, on multiple forums.

You simply don’t know how to deal with the real world.

A bit like your Eoghan Harris.

Your past, your hypocrisy, your double standard and your duplicity is never to be discussed or addressed.

You have manipulated the same history to publish two different versions that support your two different ideologies at two different points in time. You’ve been asked to address that, you can’t.

You views are hollow and insincere and have zero credibility.


Maybe I’ll run off to Twitter to mimic a few posters on here. That’s how to deal with things in the real world. Become obsessive with a few characters on the internet who you disagree with and try and damage them.

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There’s literally nobody you’ve ever disagreed with who you haven’t become obsessive about.

Think about what says about you.

Not on a personal level.

My posts are on here, you can do a search on them. I don’t have it filtered so people can’t search them.

People know the Twitter account I use. I don’t have it blocked. They can search my tweets if they so wish.

You’ve told people my other handle on another forum. They can go and check that up if that’s how they are inclined.

On the other hand, you have a track record of getting emotional over internent discussions, going outside this forum and other forums to misrepresent other posters, to mimic them with bogus Twitter accounts and much more serious stuff which has been alleged. Personalising matters.

That’s very grown up and mature alright. Must be very proud of yourself when you are trying to expose the real life identities of a few people from an internet message board who you disagree with.


Your modus operandi when you were made a fool of on GAABoard was to go on a screenshotting spree from here.

What a productive afternoon/s that was. :grinning:


And people laughed and laughed at what a vacuous hypocrite you were.

Giving it all the high and mighty before you were hoisted on your own petard.

Hoist. Petard, Hypocrite. Indeed.

Ok Go Popcorn GIF

This is tremendous fun

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Do any of these lads work?


And spend this much time on the internet? Mad.


It never ceases to amaze me how lacking of self awarness some people who post on internet messageboards are sometime.

What are you doing here?


You truly never know the time or thread when it comes to this place

This could do with @barbarajpym dropping in

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Good doc on the all4 app currently. Fair play to channel four. Pity RTÉ wouldn’t make something like it