Wrongs perpetrated by the British Army (the original title was buggering me)

“Better” doesn’t win wars when the other side have no moral boundaries. How were the Nazis defeated? Bombing the shit out of German cities with huge civilian casualties. Was it justified?

Who decides who has moral boundaries and who doesn’t?

Trotsky was a Marxist, as are People Before Profit, unless they are lying on their website.

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If that’s the case why do you use the terms separately?

What’s Cultural Trotskyism?

And how does Conor Hourihane fit into this?

Another one for @farmerinthecity not to condemn here.


And you are not a historian. Can you point me to a historian who draws a moral equivalence between the PIRA and the 1919-1921 IRA?

Four lads in a pub talking about the coming revolution of the proletariat.

Sounds great. DeSantis will have it banned within the hour. Cancel culture.

Far too early for that, maybe in 20 or 30 years a decent history will be written.

I wouldn’t think it’s too early at all. It’s a quarter of a century since the 27 year PIRA campaign ended. The War of Independence IRA lasted two years.

A 27 year campaign because of British policy. I honestly find revisionist former PIRA supporters who have now changed their minds very boring. It’s easy be wise after the fact.

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Particularly revisionist PIRA supporters who were supporting the armed conflict 22 years after it finished before admonishing it 27 years after the fact.

Its gas that there’s a thread on here called “Look over there its Sinn Fein” when the main SF supporter on here responds to every criticism of SF or the IRA by saying Look over there its FFG, or Look over there it’s the old IRA


It’s gas they way you are a raging hypocrite and don’t want to confront it.

The same poster who was crying about Gerry Adams while pretending not to know about a FF gov minister on his doorstep doing the exact same thing.

The issue for the likes of you is that if you’re going to get up on soapbox and preach about morals you need to be consistent and we can all see you outrage is a show, you’re an actor and it take a real lowlife to try and use tragedy and victims to push your agenda.

This is a thread about the British Army and their crimes. The usual suspects have to faff on about the PIRA and then don’t want to be challenged on why their outrage doesn’t extend to the Old IRA. You couldn’t make the double standards up.

Loyalists would argue their 27 year campaign was because of the PIRA. And they would have more than some legitimacy in that claim, totally illegitimate as their campaign of murder was.

That is just pure and utter bollocks.

Let me remind you …
IRA split late 1969/1971

Murder of Peter Ward 1966
UVF killing of Catholic by the much lauded Gusty Spence and his sectarian murder gang. read on …

On 7 May 1966, a group of UVF men led by Spence petrol bombeda Catholic-owned pub on the Shankill Road. Fire also engulfed the house next door, killing the elderly Protestant widow, Matilda Gould (77), who lived there.
On 27 May, Spence ordered four UVF men to kill an Irish Republican Army (IRA) member, Leo Martin, who lived on the Falls Road. Unable to find their target, the men drove around in search of any Catholic instead. They shot dead John Scullion (28), a Catholic civilian, as he walked home.
Spence later wrote “at the time, the attitude was that if you couldn’t get an IRA man you should shoot a Taig he’s your last resort”. On 26 June, the same gang shot dead Catholic civilian Peter Ward (18) and wounded two others as they left a pub on Malvern Street, Belfast.[

Bombing of Silent Valley Reservoir (blamed on IRA but actually perpetrated by Loyalist paramilitaries) Sept 1969

There has always been a majorly sectarian streak in Loyalism, in truth it’s the dominant thing that heled it together for centuries. But the PIRA campaign was the perfect pretext to ramp it up in a major way. Loyalists were still carrying out sectarian massacres as late as 1994 and wanton sectarian murders as late as 1998. They stopped because the PIRA stopped and they no longer had a pretext.

The exact same argument used by posters here to justify Kingsmills can be made to justify Loyalist sectarian massacres throughout the Troubles. Which is clearly not what I am doing, by the way, the Loyalist campaign was evil, so don’t even think about it. majorly

is different from

We agree then that Loyalists are a shower of sectarian cunts. No PIRA campaign was necessary. They’d have killed fenians irrespective of any PIRA campaign simply because they were motivated purely by sectarian hatred

We disagree entirely on their “legitimacy”. Go down that road and Kingsmills is entirely justifiable

They likely would have but they would have been isolated and sporadic murders rather than the systematic campaign it became. Sauce for the goose is always sauce for the gander. One man’s justification for murdering can just as easily be taken up by his enemy.