Wrongs perpetrated by the British Army (the original title was buggering me)


Well if you’re to deem Kingsmills legitimate here, as some posters have done, you can hardly complain when others on the other side decide a sectarian massacre is legitimate.

There’s a pair of yis in it.

The losers were the innocent dead.

Those at fault were the tit for tat obsessives.

You’re the one who has deemed it legitimate, pal. Not me. Here’s what you said:

You can’t have it both ways. If Loyalist sectarianism was legitimate then so was Republican sectarianism. (Repubican sectarianism is a paradoxical concept)

Learn the English language. There are posters who have legitimised Kingsmills here. I am not one of them.

Loyalist sectarianism was not legitimate.

Neither was Irish nationalist sectarianism. Those who claimed the mantle “Republican” were not Republican at all, they were extreme nationalist, just like the Loyalists were and still are.

The point is, once you go down the road of murder, you are inevitably bringing murder upon your own people as well as those you murder yourself. Without asking your people. There will inevitably be a reaction from the other side. They use the same pretext as you do to try and legitimise murder.

The IRA were not sectarian. Also stfu about Irish Republicanism as you know fuck all about it.


Kingsmills was sectarian as fuck. If you indulge in wanton sectarianism like that, don’t complain when you’re called sectarian. Strange hill to die on, claiming a group which carried out sectarian murder wasn’t sectarian.

Your anti-Semitic tag team partner from this evening argues the old IRA were absolutely sectarian by the way. Therefore I doubt he’ll have a problem with the PIRA being called sectarian. Unless he’s a total hypocrite, ha.

The old IRA weren’t sectarian either. Informers murdered in west Cork and elsewhere were killed because they were informers, not because they were Protestants. Kingsmills was not due to sectarianism.

Woah. I’ve seen some crazy claims on this forum over the years, many of them by you, but this is pretty out there.

You legitimised Kingsmills by legitimising Loyalist sectarianism. You’ve tied yourself in knots here.

You can’t say

while also saying

I’ve already demonstrated that the Loyalist campaign preceded any PIRA action. They were killing taigs even before any civil rights campaign. Your leftist leanings which I am not out of sympathy with alas make you predisposed to empathy with loyalist sectarianism.

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If you’re going to claim ludicrous stuff about me, as you’re doing, I don’t see the point in dignifying it.

I graciously accept your surrender. Good night my friend.

It’s out there to you because you have no concept of the Irish struggle for independence nor of what Irish Republicanism means. At heart you are pro British.

I’m neither pro-British nor anti-British. I’m anti-British Army. Kingsmills was a massacre where a group of Protestant civilians were massacred and the sole Catholic was singled out and told to run to hell away from the slaughter. If you can’t see how that’s sectarian, I can’t help you.

And when you carry out that sort of massacre, you sort of lose the claim to be any different from those you claim to oppose.

Ah c’mon to fuck! Who has said that Kingsmills was anything other than a sectarian massacre?

Read above.

You can’t help me because I’m an Irish Republican and you are not. Kingsmill was a terrible deed but was deemed necessary at the time to stop the Glenanne gang murdering Catholics in South Armagh, who could not have operated without civilian support in the area. It worked, civilian support ended as did the killings. Sometimes terrible deeds are necessary in war.

Nope. If you can quote any post that says it wasn’t a sectarian slaughter … post it. I don’t think anybody denies that.

This was Billy Wright’s justification for killing catholics

I’m an Irish Republican, not an Irish nationalist. There’s a big difference. The PIRA were nationalists, not Republicans. The UVF/UDA/UFF were nationalist too.

How can a sectarian massacre not be down to sectarianism?

What did the Whitecross murders do for civilian support for the Loyalists? What did Kingsmills do for civilian support for the PIRA or for the plight of Catholics in general? Nothing is the answer in both cases.

Loyalists continued to slaughter Catholics in such manner until 1994. Was the appropriate response to Greysteel or Loughinisland to carry out another Kingsmills? Of course not. By your logic there could and should have been no other response than doing so.

I don’t expect to convince him of anything. My point is that the IRA were not sectarian and the reason for Kingsmills was not sectarianism. If the IRA were sectarian there would have been a lot of Protestant civilians dead.