Wrongs perpetrated by the British Army (the original title was buggering me)




“Why won’t you like me?”


I’ll just continue to highlight the fact that you have manipulated the same history to spin two version events of it in order for it to support your agenda at that particular time.

You’ll continue to try and deflect.

Cool. You just continue then. Shout at a few clouds while you’re at it.

I will.

You continue to embarrass yourself and I’ll just highlight it.


You’re the world’s greatest debater.

How times change.


The world’s greatest debater looking for an escape hatch.

“Furiously does internet search.”

That’s being rattled for you.

I would say rattled is the series of posts you’re bashing out of your keyboard because the audit trail is your enemy.

Yeah. I’m the one rattled. That’s why I’m furiously doing searches of the forum because I can’t argue a point. Yeah. I’m the one rattled.

Oh wait.


Have a look back at your contributions over the past 24 hours on this thread.

You are beyond rattled, you can’t outrun what a hollow and insincere character you are. For a poster whose modus operandi is virtue signaling and smug moral superiority, to have any credibility in your views removed, to have your sinceirty undermined makes your redundant.

There was a topic to discuss here but you look at these nonsense posts:

That’s someone who is rattled beyond belief.

I would like to discuss what the reason behind you manipulating the same history to support your differing versions of events. You would like to engage in the silly, infantile and incoherent posts you have put above.

That’s rattled.

No, mate. It’s called ridiculing an eejit.

I’ve done that.

And you’re so rattled you resorted to the type of posts I highlighted in my previous post.

“You’re so rattled”

You could make a song out of it.

Get a baby’s rattle in as a sound effect. Alternatively just read out your posts. Same difference.

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The baby rattles again. :joy:

I’ve a secret.

You’re both terrible debaters


Does that annoy you? A little snippet of how hollow and poor a debater you are.

I’m not debating. I did that last night. I’m ridiculing a fool who deserves nothing else.

This appears to have the makings gs of a long arduous day of trench warfare.
Stamina will be key here.


How’s that working out for you?