Ye Olde FA Cup 2021

Yes. Yes there is.

That doesn’t rhyme mate.

I’m giving that a ‘like’ for effort


These chants, who makes them up?I’ve always been mystified by this. Is it one lad who makes one up and then sings it on his own in the middle of the crowd and it catches on or are there dedicated groups of chant makers who meet every week to come up with new ideas that they bring back to the pack?

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Just say the ‘a hundred’ quickly, it’s a commonly used songwriting technique,
You can stretch words out as well, think of equalised in the original

You need the backing of the self-styled hardcore element of the support. Often it’s these chaps who pen the ditties or decide what makes the cut. They’ll all be sitting in a group and can get chants going through sheet weight of numbers. You’ll have other sorts putting forward their efforts on supporter forum type websites or sharing them on social media in the hope that they’ll gain TRACTION, e.g. that comedian from Cork with his Salah, Mane Mane song last year.

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Cheers pal. I’ve literally always wondered about that.

Which group do you sit in, pal? Are you are hardcore man or an internetter?

he’s a hardcore internetter

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There’s a dude in the supermanc pub beside old trafford who writes rhem and teaches the hardcore fans.
In the case of the Bernard Jackman chant for Leinster it was just one lad on the piss who was with his season ticket holding brother who started singing it by himself and the crowd joined in the very next time there was a lineout down at that corner under the terrace. Some Leinster heads subsequently made a t shirt to sell of it but your man isnt bitter. It is what it is.

Reni is a City fan.

Brown was asked what he would do if his son grew up a City fan. Replied that he would miss him.

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Altrincham was traditionally in Cheshire, not Lancashire, mate.

Bolton is in so called “Greater Manchester” but it isn’t Manchester, it’s Bolton.

St, Helen’s is in Merseyside but isn’t Liverpool.

Same with Altrincham.

OMG. This is true. It looks like somebody has been telling porkies some posts previously.

If it’s any consolation to @anon7035031, Paul “Bonehead” Arthurs, formerly of Oasis, is from Manchester and supports Manchester United.

I dont think I can believe anything on this forum anymore

You’re right, it’s Mani I was thinking of

excellent draw etiquette here

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St Helens was traditionally in Lancashire mate.

You’ve just reinforced my point, thanks.

Swansea ahead from the spot vs Pep’s pill-poppers