Ye Olde FA Cup 2021

Sammy Wilson will be purring tonight. As will Jim Shannon. Jim is a member of the House of Commons Foxes Supporters Club.


The size of Wes Morgan


Sayoncu and Fofana must be the best centre back pairing in the Premier League

He’s like a man who played centre back that you’d stick in full forward in his later days cos he could still do damage

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Probably the greatest FA Cup Final of all time

Great scenes there with the Thai owner at the end. Fair play to Leicester. Fantastic to see an underdog breakthrough and win a league and cup within the space of 5 years. Soccer/football needs more of these type of stories. Real throwback to what I imagine the 70’s and 80’s to have been like.

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Kasper has achieved more at Leicester than Peter did at Utd

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Chelsea could end up outside top 4 & losing 2 finals .

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You’d imagine there will be similar scenes on the pitch with the Glazer family should Manchester United win the Europa League. Special bond there between players and owners.


Very strong whistling ability from Brendan Rodgers.

Some people here won’t like that…

Rodgers, a British coach. The Rors of football

There’s lads on here getting sick hearing Rodgers pledge his allegiance to the Crown.

Paddy has to distill everything down to Pretend IRA terms.

Congrats to Brendan Rodgers on his first competitive trophy as a manager.

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That’s an extremely racist post and I’ve flagged it

I’m delighted for all the lads that are delighted for Rodgers.

Hopefully, a hateful cunt of a club