Ye Olde FA Cup 2021

I wouldnā€™t be surprised to see Barcelona come in for Brendan Rodgers should managerial vacancy arise there in the near future.

Thereā€™s a rich history of British coaches at Barca.

Good for you.

God willing Brendan stays at Leicester for a long long time

Man United must be looking at B Rod now.

Iā€™d say Real Madrid will be his next job.

Would spuds be a bigger move for him than staying at Leicester?

Itā€™d get him back into the Big 6 so heā€™d have to seriously consider it.

John Giles laughed that suggestion off last night when Ger suggested surely Spurs should be his next move. Why would he take a step down and work for Levy was Giles take.

For a change he makes a very valid point.

Just turned on a bit of Buxton Vs Bournemouth there, mainly to see what the weather was up to. Proper old skool FA cup match in a freezing lashing wet gale.

Morecambe mate.


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I donā€™t believe itā€¦ Liverpool got a handy draw.

No surprise man United have drawn a premier league side.

One of the more modern traditions, gobshites claiming every draw is fixed against their team

An old timer like yourself wouldnā€™t have truck with these modern day footix. When did you start supporting Manchester City. Back in the Peter Swales era?

FA cup should be put out to pasture.

Go on elsewhere there, Al

Real football - the greatest club cup competition in the world . That said I still yearn for the old Wembley .