You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The next variant will be heat seeking


Kev has had enough.


Lads aren’t bothered about lives being saved.

No chance this will happen here?

I never thought Kev would the average mans hero

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Kev hates fear mongering.

It’s The middle of winter. I’d be worried if the hospitalisations weren’t rising.

They’ll be more variants until we mandate the lads in the townships, the hippos, the mice and the mink to take their laptops home and barricade the doors shut.

I’m in thomond park on the 26th, leopardstown 27th -29th and dingle 30th to the 2nd. It’s imperative we keep the show on the road until the 3rd or 4th.


The amount of lives the vaccines have saved is astonishing.

If only the people who controlled the intellectual property for them weren’t such cunts, they could save a lot more.

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Close the pubs and lash out the boosters. End.

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It’s all a bit patchy by the sounds.
Even if it’s only 5% of ICU beds taken up by covid patients, most ICU units run at 100% occupancy during the winter, so there’s no room.
As herself explained to me, if the hospital needs to keep an ICU bed empty on standby, then they have to cancel a major procedure to do so, as nearly all major operation patients need a hdu/ICU bed afterwards for a day or more. Potential life saving surgery is hence postponed, and the delay may well prove critical.
I now believe that if you don’t want a vaccine, that is your right, but given what we do know about the success of MMR vaccines and herd immunity, you should have to pay for any hospital treatment you need as a result of catching covid if so.
Requiring vaccine certs to go to a venue or travel on any public transport is perfectly reasonable.
The vaccines work.
Having said that, the govt should just resource ICU properly, and send everyone else back to work.
Somebody, as I said before, has to pay the bills, and should also have the wherewithal to go out and enjoy themselves.


The numbers are down again


And what exactly do the vaccine passports work at? Tell us there how they are helpful in any way other than excluding members of society for certain activities.
Is there science/ studies where cold hard facts can be used to show the effectiveness or are you just peddling the same tired shite as the rest of them


James Melville seems to be a hero to all people who form their sense of self-identity around being wrong about everything.

It’s genuinely fascinating to observe somebody having a total breakdown in public like he has done.

There’s a great book to be written on how different people with a platform, some previously micro-known, some better known, have unravelled.

You’d probably include the likes of James himself, Qewan, Aisling O’Loughlin, Gemma O’Doherty, John Waters, Graham Linehan, and probably JK Rowling if you left it a few more months.

The fact that 6% of the population accounts for over 50% in ICU doesn’t ring a bell with you???

Don’t forget Sam mcconkey, Luke o neill, Thomas Ryan, Claire byrne etc


What has that got to do with a vaccine passport?

Have a good think on it…


Luke is on the Pat Kenny Show right now. Knock yerself out.

He already feels back to his old self. The vaccine, you see.