You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The antigen tests are just another tool to try to combat the virus. They are imperfect but are a cheap and easy way to catch some cases early and itā€™s great that they are finally being used here although it took us long enough to get there.


SAGE as in self aligned gate?
apologies Iā€™m knee deep in semi conductors here

Itā€™s fizzling outā€¦ah shite.

You must have spent all day trolling Twitter for that.


So your admitting itā€™s fizzling out ?

Give this a listen. He explains the mechanism and possible mutations of covid and where it may be going towards the end.

I will in me feckinā€™ hoop. That McCullough guy is a Grade A nutcase and media whore to be avoided like, eh, Omicron.

Re the reports of Super Dooper Omicron, this guy suspects itā€™s a case of contamination in the German lab from which the reports emerged.

There is this, however:

Trust the science.

The science needs more time.

This is just pure gibberish.


Are you only realising that now?

Have noticed some peopleā€™s attitude change gradually in Recent weeks with the fear of eating the Xmas dinner in the bedroom/shed. A lot of it is talking like your a good person and saying the right things but the majority will still go to things.

We have found a small hole in the rules and are staying in the local hotel that can serve for residents until 12. Itā€™s about 20ā‚¬ dearer than average taxi and obviously a risk we end up drinking in our rooms but sounds better than sitting on a couch drinking cans of bud watching the 2004 Munster final.

Itā€™s amazing my own generations natural disaster was locking down for a disease which is basically the flu all to boost big pharmaceutical and media profits.


I presume this guy is a communist.

Heartwarming scenes with Uncle Tony

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Tony Hoolahan is heading to the childrenā€™s hospital to tell some kids Santa isnā€™t real.


She definitely read the ā€˜Lean Inā€™ book from the Facebook lady.

STIRA should try and get her in a commercial role for re-adapting space or whatever she claims to know best about.

Enjoy your 4 bottles of Dragons Wheelbarrow IPA in the sitting room with the nfl on you tiresome dope


I thought cases were supposed to double every day or something else ludicrous. 7 day average is roughly the same as it was a month ago


A million a day in the UK by the end of this week according to the Imperial chaps. Or itā€™s peaked already.

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The models are a cod. They admitted that they model worst case scenario to get decisions made.