You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

This is just pure gibberish.


Are you only realising that now?

Have noticed some peopleā€™s attitude change gradually in Recent weeks with the fear of eating the Xmas dinner in the bedroom/shed. A lot of it is talking like your a good person and saying the right things but the majority will still go to things.

We have found a small hole in the rules and are staying in the local hotel that can serve for residents until 12. Itā€™s about 20ā‚¬ dearer than average taxi and obviously a risk we end up drinking in our rooms but sounds better than sitting on a couch drinking cans of bud watching the 2004 Munster final.

Itā€™s amazing my own generations natural disaster was locking down for a disease which is basically the flu all to boost big pharmaceutical and media profits.


I presume this guy is a communist.

Heartwarming scenes with Uncle Tony

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Tony Hoolahan is heading to the childrenā€™s hospital to tell some kids Santa isnā€™t real.


She definitely read the ā€˜Lean Inā€™ book from the Facebook lady.

STIRA should try and get her in a commercial role for re-adapting space or whatever she claims to know best about.

Enjoy your 4 bottles of Dragons Wheelbarrow IPA in the sitting room with the nfl on you tiresome dope


I thought cases were supposed to double every day or something else ludicrous. 7 day average is roughly the same as it was a month ago


A million a day in the UK by the end of this week according to the Imperial chaps. Or itā€™s peaked already.

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The models are a cod. They admitted that they model worst case scenario to get decisions made.


@Cheasty when do you predict well get the Omicron explosion of cases like UK?
Also I see the hospital numbers are dropping again. I presume you reckon there is a lag and this wonā€™t continue when Omicron hits but would you admit we would have been in great shape for Christmas if we just had delta to deal with?

sorry you are wrong, it was 51,000,000 cases by today


Latter I think

Is that the optimistic model?


Mind the lag

I will mate, thanks a million. Iā€™d like to wish you joy in your life also but youā€™re clearly incapable of itā€¦ Keep banging on that keyboard pal. Youā€™re making a difference!

The lad running the excel is some operator

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It could be quite serious by February