You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Oh Christ, weā€™ve come so far, weā€™ve worked so hard blah fucking blah

Never will so many ask so much of so few.

If we can winter this, etc, etc, etc.

If we can just follow the public health advice for the next few weeksā€¦

When everybody is thinking,
If just those fools rolled up their sleeves weā€™d be out of this :grinning:

The announcement is due at 6 and no leaks yet it seems on what theyā€™ve chosen from the NPHET advice.

Martin has shoved the recommendations up Tonyā€™s hole and hung him out the window of Leinster House

Thatā€™s a good post from you.

Hypochondriac fantasist princess Karen, put her on Claire Byrne now.

Playdates or panto lads. Ye cant have both. Get fucking over it.

If everyone got vaccinated weā€™d be out of this pal? No more restrictions, live with covid, you reckon thatā€™s what would happen?

May I also add the term ā€œgrifterā€

Iā€™d say the hospitals would be able to cope adequately with what would be sent their way, so Iā€™d say the Taoiseach wouldnā€™t be sent out tonight, who knows what the future holds, I donā€™t have a crystal ball. But Iā€™d say weā€™d tip along

The hospitals couldnā€™t cope adequately pre Covid.

What makes you think they would if everyone got vaccinated?

Thereā€™s 58 unvaxxed people in ICU I read somewhere above. If those 58 people werenā€™t taking up those beds weā€™d all be able to tip along is what youā€™re saying. Given what we know that the vaccines donā€™t stop transmission, I find that an incredible outlook.

Itā€™s because of Covid we have restrictions,

Do you actually not realise that?

Stop living in the past manā€¦ā€¦

I struggle to see the merit in it when we were perfectly willing to let seasonal flu run riot and kill and overwhelm the health service every winter.

Did you actually not realise that is what happened prior to this aggressive marketing campaign of this new very transmissible but ultimately mild respiratory virus?

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How long before hes says meaningful Christmas