You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

God bless the child in every way. Hopefully it’s nothing serious

She has a dose of a mother who engages in that nawful place.

Reopening date lol.

It’s actually very clever. Give the impression of introducing strict regulations but really do fuck all. All the voters are happy.

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He can still take the train to Hueston for the breakfast, that will lower the hit and provide nourishment.

Sitting at home for the rest of their life, great, something to look forward to

It was Chill.

Tony going after the gym bunnies

I’m genuinely devastated.


Could have been worse I suppose

There’s a 30 something female working with us, she’s getting nervy that she’s going to be left on the shelf.
Now, I can kindly told her she’s obviously too picky to which she agreed.

( she’s no model )

Mary Regan heckled live on air outside government buildings by people roaring ‘RTE is the virus.’ :smiley:


They’ll buy off the pub owners again and they won’t raise a whimper.


Meh. No change only that sitting in a pub again will be bliss. No more cunts dribbling above on ya

What’s happening to gyms

Open as normal? Just require Covid cert?

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Will they cut your hours in the yacht club again?

The mother got 3400 ‘likes’ on twitter for her post letting the world know that she had to bring her child to A&E, and 62 ‘likes’ for letting the world know the child was sent home again within a couple of hours after being assessed. I’m sure those who put great value on everything twitter related will be able to crunch the numbers and assess what sells best on there.


It’s an actual cesspit of morons

Just as well we’re a “rich” country

As long as there are boats sailing it’s unlikely