You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

It’s no surprise who brought her original post to the forums attention either, it never ceases to amaze me the type of stuff lads on here do spend their time looking at.


How’s the child, pal? Had ye a close contact or a positive result?

Shur look, there are a few different types who go at that carry on.

  • lads who are trying to back up their points to win arguments on the Internet

  • other people

She is covid free, we seemed to have escaped it. I assume it’s because we are people on bikes


Great news.


Good, I’d hate to see you have to go back on the PUP

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I’ll gut you, you dolt

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Shur aren’t you alright now. You’ll be gutting g fish to bate the band in the kitchen of the yacht club now and getting well paid for it. Think of the tips

Nasty, Mike

Ah not really Harry. I dont mean any harm by it. This has being going g on for years between the two of us.

He has feelings & be careful you’re not hurting them

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Mary Lou is being quite clever here - it’s the government’s fault for no antigen testing, no new in patient beds, no ventilation etc.

Mary Lou is a cunt


She’s a nodding head now & holds that party back at this stage.

No she wasn’t.

If I knew back in March 2020 in Cheltenham what was to come for the next two years I’d have bloody stayed for the week and enjoyed Myself instead of flying home early.


She was just nodding to Gerry there as he was telling her something in her earpiece

One of my pals is currently on the tube in London with no face masks to be seen. Different planet.

You mug….

Majority of people wearing Masks on buses and trains in Brum this week in fairness. Same around New st. Big difference to the last few weeks.