You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Fluvio went very quiet when informed about the actual Nazi links to today’s anti-mask demo. :grinning:

'Tis fairly hard for lads to paint themselves as “middle ground” when they’re in league with actual Nazis, isn’t it?

@dodgy_keeper has had a great pandemic.


Yis should thank yisser lucky stars that NPHET, who are wrong on the cavalier side, are so powerless that the most they can influence government to bring in is a set of token, fairly meaningless set of restrictions which won’t impact the lives of the general public.

These restrictions will likely very quickly come to be seen as hopelessly inadequate and in a few weeks’ time a lot of the same people who are shouting bloody murder at NPHET now will be likely be shouting bloody murder at them for not locking the country down.

Nothing very quiet about it.

Very definitive once again, and once again taken to what I’ve outlined below.

I haven’t seen any anti-vaxxers here, I haven’t seen anybody telling others not to get the vaccine. I have seen vaccine fascists like The Doxxer continually pedal brazen lies, the latest of which was an incredible stretch of equating Small Pox with Covid. The Doxxer tried to consistently weaponise deaths on here and point the finger at posters for endangering lives and killing people.

The Doxxer can post away about 5G and all that here, add a few Trump references in, maybe a few racially charged anti-Russian comments, perhaps thrown in something of libertarians or whatever is his latest bingo. He simply can’t issue an intelligent point and continues to howl at the moon about a mild respiratory illness - maybe he’s opportunistic and sees this as a way he can remain on the dole for a few years more.


One of the most dangerous fuckers on the forum. An absolute head the ball.

If we followed the likes of Sweden we would be far better off now.

Excess deaths this autumn and going into winter are up bigtime.

What more have we got to lose by keeping everything open at this stage?

A wise man once said there are worse things in life than dying.


2,500 posts in 10 days.

20% from the same 2 shouting into the void

I think you are the dangerous one, my friend, and there are many years of your posts to prove that.

You are a very, very angry person with a lot of toxic hatred in you.

I feel very sorry for you in a way. It can’t be healthy to exist in that head of yours.

The covid will eventually run out of people to infect. We can have a victory party then. We all did our part. Hurray.


Best way to keep that UUCOAW quiet is put him on ignore.
I have no regret to say he triggered me today but he is a complete and utter cunt of a wanker.
Thankfully I’ll never run into him in a bar.

No we wouldn’t, we’d be a lot worse off.

Sweden has vaccine passports by the way, so as far as they’re concerned you are persona non grata.

We have excess deaths now because we allowed Covid clog up our hospitals as youse lot wanted.

Those excess cancer deaths are on yisser heads.

I triggered you by asking you if you’ve ever known someone who had a bad flu?

Are you a precious sort?

Your years of postings on this forum and the irrational hatred of anybody not like yourself that pervades them proves otherwise.

You are not secure in yourself as a person at all, the only happiness you derive is from trying to ridicule or preach hatred against those who are not like you.

Nobody should want to be like you.

I know they’ve vaccine passports now. Brought in recently. Disappointing.

Still they’ve done alright overall and I’ve always maintained we should have done the same.

The new variant is hardly going to be Ebola type deadly is it?

What are thinking genuinely on that?

I think you’re mistaken with another poster maybe there.

I have him on ignore but I do look in the odd time for the laugh just to see what insanity he has come up with.

You won’t run into him ever in a bar because he never leaves his room.

He was all giddy putting up a tweet here earlier from a worried parent who was in A&E with her child, but failed to inform us that the child was assessed by doctors and cleared to go back to her home within a couple of hours. It’s hard to draw any other conclusion from that than he, and those who reside in that weird corner of twitter, were more excited at the thought of a child being seriously ill than concerned for its well-being.


Sure it could apply to any of the Covid denialists and culture warriors here.

That’s the great thing about yis, yis are all the exact same with no minds of yer own so every post is transferable.