You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Humanity is about respecting other people’s lives - and you and the other circle jerkers do not respect the lives of others.

Imagine indeed. A lot has changed unfortunately.

But the circle jerkers’ slogans remain the same.

I am going to a packed country pub tomorrow night. Cant wait.

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Be sure to let us all know when you find out mate, where would we be without you only trawling google every second of the day


Yis would be even more ignorant than yis are. Hard as that is to believe, I know.

Live and let live, pal. Live and let live.

Each to their own.

I got jabbed so we could return to normal - or so I thought. It seems to all have been for fuck all.

Holohan and his little sidekick Milhouse have taken over in a silent coup. They get to decide who works and who doesn’t. It’s incredible when you think of it. No outbreaks in the hospitality sector in the last week or two but they still get hammered at every single opportunity. It’s just insane.

All these bluffers cheerleading lockdowns were screaming ‘your body your choice’ not so long ago. The hypocrisy is startling.


What kinda debate goes on at these cabinet meetings? Meeting started at 3pm, MM was on the steps with a statement at 6pm!! I’ve been at 3 hr meetings where fuck all was discussed apart from the coffee orders. Obviously read big T’s letter and then work on the statement. Embarrassing

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Yet you’re completely unable to explain how it’s in any way hypocritical.

Three years ago you wanted women who had abortions thrown in jail, now you’re parroting their slogan.

Now that’s hypocrisy.

Isn’t it?


Its off the charts, mate. Nphet now know they’ve got a lot of things wrong and there is an element of that with these restrictions.

The snake oil stuff around Antigen testing. Come on to fuck. How can Philip Nolan still be in that job.

Genuinely credit to your balanced view on the situation. It should never be a them vs us thing.

You have the cop on to see that thankfully.Genuinely fairplay to you for that @dodgy_keeper , mate.

Great man and poster.


I don’t read all the posts but @mikehunt abd @Malarkey seem to be a bit more reasonable about the whole situation now?

@Cheasty might take til 2040 to realise it’s all a cod.

No of course it shouldn’t be a them v us situation but youse have made it such - and as such you should be prepared to accept the full responsibility of the blame for your ignorant anti-human decisions.

Three years ago the Doxxer wanted babies murdered because their mother (and/or father) didn’t want to own their actions or show some personal responsibility.

Now he wants to shame people for not getting an injection that doesn’t stop them getting or spreading a mild respiratory illness under the disingenuous guise of it protecting lives.

Poisonous individual.


God no.

@malarkey had to start making up stories of a 12 year old he knew that nearly died of it.

@mikehunt was saying that the health service refuse to treat smokers in hospital.

They’re absolutely bonkers.

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There is no room for being reasonable with unreasonable people like those that clog up this forum.

Freedom wasn’t attained in the 1930s and 1940s by pandering to Nazis - they had to be routed.

What we are dealing with here - anti-science aggression that threatens to bring down society as we know it - is every bit as unreasonable.

It has to be routed.

Another Nazi reference from The Doxxer.

I’m sure his fellow Wokesters would get outraged at him diminishing what the Nazis did once again.


One of my best pals won’t get vaccinated. Are we still meeting for Christmas pints? Of course, what he sticks in his arm is none of my business. I’ve done all I can, if I pick covid up so be it.

Like, if cases are still the same in 6/12/24/36 months are we still going to be in this purgatory of never ending restrictions?

Honestly, these decisions which the people in this state are subject to should be subject to a referendum IMO. Whatever your views of this government, at least they were voted in.

What gives that prick Philip Nolan/Colm Henry the right to decide who works and who doesn’t? Oh they’re public health experts. That worked out well for the cervical check scandal, didn’t it?


That’s very funny given that the so called anti-mask demo today was organised by and infested with actual Nazi sympathisers.

Galway Nazi creep Dara O’Flaherty was right at the centre of it and organiser Helena Byrne has close to ties to far right grifter Tracey O’Mahony and her boyfriend Michael O’Connell who is an actual Nazi sympathiser.

The Doxxer seems to be intent on arguing matters with people that just aren’t here.

There are no anti-mask demonstrators here.

There are people who see the current restrictions as absurd and there are people who are middle of the ground like myself who believe people’s choice on the matter should be respected.

Then there are zealots on the other side who want to polarise this debate and deal solely in misinformation. Some of the outrageous lies pedalled today from the likes of The Doxxer, @mikehunt, @glasagusban need to shown up at every opportunity.


Nail on the head mate. What we have at the moment is a cabal who don’t want to be proved wrong in Nphet. @Thomas_Brady , thats a lot different to me.

You can see the amount of money the HSE have spent on advertising “stay safe” , this thing is cult like.

This Nphet crowd are there to politically protect the government too though.

Its worth remembering that.